I had night shift at my work a few days ago I woke up and went to have a shower. I closed the glass door and turned the cold water on, it came out boiling hot and would not go any cooler so I quickly had my shower and got out as quick as possible. When I got out the mirror was fogged up so of course I wiped away a patch with my towel. As I wiped a section away a hand print appeared in the mirror, and then slowly a hand started to appear. I spun around and went to run out the door of my bathroom and ran through an extremely cold cloud like thing. I ran past the double doors that led to my balcony and went to go into my bedroom. I glanced out of the doors and saw my room mate sitting on the balcony ledge of my apartment on the 16th floor. I opened the door and once again the cold cloud got me, thinking it was just the cold air I walked out onto the balcony and went to put my arms around her. As I did my arms slipped through and the figure fell.
Last night my room mate came home from work. I had told her about what had happened the night before and she went and had a look on the computers at work. She found old newspaper clippings of a young boy that had lived in the same apartment and jumped from the 16th floor. He was hideously scarred all over his face because his mother had burnt him with boiling water when he was young she always told him he was ugly and nobody would ever love him so he had to wash off his ugly skin with boiling water to let the nice skin come through.
Blessed be, Peace and good luck. How it changed my life:It's not what you look like on the outside, it's whats inside that counts. Ghosts arent scary, sometimes they are just there to tell you the stories of their deaths. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 22861 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .