Date: 12/24/2003 6:57:00 AM
From Authorid: 56293
Ah, That bites Pink! I'm sorry such bad news the day before Christmas. The new year is coming, start fresh! Hope your Holiday gets better!  |
Date: 12/24/2003 7:11:00 AM
From Authorid: 46527
Not good...huggsss  |
Date: 12/24/2003 7:43:00 AM
From Authorid: 1065
that has got to suck, but things will get better with time! I hope ur holiday turns out great  |
Date: 12/24/2003 7:57:00 AM
From Authorid: 44321
Heartless to fire anyone during the holidays and even worse to fire you because you are the new one.Keep your chin up, things will look up for you and your family!  |
Date: 12/24/2003 8:14:00 AM
From Authorid: 54987
I'm sorry to hear that Pink Bunny. What a day to fire someone! They could have waited til the New Year. Yeah we hear from the bureau of misinformation that the economy is improving, but we also hear stories like this that reflects what is really going on.  |
Date: 12/24/2003 8:49:00 AM
From Authorid: 28946
That was a rotten thing for them to do to anyone at Christmas. I'm very sorry but try to keep positive and things will work out.  |
Date: 12/24/2003 10:58:00 AM ( Admin-FA )
Hun, that's horriable... and I know that things seem rough now.. but it'll get better I promise. I know that some jobs aren't the best but do what you gotta do, ya know? I'm sure things will turn out fine in the end, Pink.. I know they will.. *HUGS* |
Date: 12/24/2003 11:46:00 AM
From Authorid: 53427
My husband got fired two weeks before Christmas this year too. The boss fired the whole work crew (4 guys) at one time. He was mad because the crew leader had told them to take off early a day because it was raining. I don't understand why he didn't just fire the leader. Why fire the rest of them for following orders?`Anyway, he found another job very quickly and I hope that you can too Good luck!!  |
Date: 12/24/2003 12:12:00 PM
From Authorid: 12133
I know the feeling. ANd living in a place where fast food isn't even an option. And having 6 people in the house. Lots of fun.  |
Date: 12/24/2003 1:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 53052
i'm sooo sorry to hear this you were doing soooo well and sooo happy with with this job.... i'm sure everything will be alright and you will get another great job!  |