In the year 350 Julius 1, Bishop of Rome, gave the 25th of December as the specific date to observe the birthday of Christ. However, it was traditionally celebrated as early as the year 98, and the Telesphorus, Bishop of Rome in 137, ordered that Christ's birth be observed as a solemn feast.
Christmas began as "Christes Masse," a religious festival originating with angels on the plains of Bethlehem singing "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
With "Christes Masse" coinciding with other pagan festivals, it was difficult to keep the religious holiday separate from the pagan rites. From the middle of December to the end, the Romans observed Saturnalia, honoring their God of agriculture. There was much eating, drinking, and riotous celebration in the streets. The Persians feasted and set great fires in honor of the Mithra, their deity of light. The pagan Teutonic tribes of northern Europe honored Woden by feasting and drinking during their Yuletide season, the time of the rebirth of the intermingling of Christian beliefs and Pagan rituals, George of Nazianzus denounced this mixing of celebrations. He declared that Christmas should be celebrated without excessive feasting, drinking and dancing, However, the church found it impossible to separate the Pagan from the christian and so it "christianized" many Pagan rituals. It is thought this mixing that today's Christmas celebrations incorporate the use of candles, greenery and lights for decorating, the lighting of the Yule log, the singing of carols, and gathering together for feasting....
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