Unbearable pain as my heart bleeds. Backbreaking strain to meet other needs. A log of abmoinations protrudes from my soul. Empty it out like pouring from a bowl? Finding the truth of all that I am. A created creature or a mere man. Life's twists brings decisions to bear. Follow light or dark and end up where? Lukewarm is poison at its best. Passion is life at its infinite zest. To love without discriminate choice. A universe sings in jubilant rejoice. Wounded with the log in my heart. It is my own self-induced dart. Cleansed of burden will I ever be? Will I experience infinite mercy? Hope diminished in this moment of life. Cut out of the soul with a judgement knife. We are what we are or destined to be. Searching for the love inside of me. Extend into the great nothingness. Fearing judgement as all I confess. I fail in measurement by which we stand. I see my flaws as a sinful man.
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