After a long descusion with my grandfater of all people I have some new interesting ideas and theries.
The physical body is only real in our minds. We use it as a focal point to exist in this world, why we would want this I'm not sure. But at any rate, just like a tv tunning into only one of many stations we concentrate ourselfs into these forms.
Edward Cacye was able to leave his body and vist people hundreds of miles away to give them the most accurate "readings" ever recorded. He was said to be able to describe surroundings of the places that the people were at. "Nice rose bush" he would mutter. On one occasion he was said to correct instructions to a house (they said it was 2/3 mile down a road, but he said it was 5/3, when later asked they said it was 5/3 but they wanted to make it simple)(I'm not sure of the acual milage, but I can look it up if requested).
These bodys also alow us to exist in present time. When Cacye went into his "trances" he was also able to transend time and see into the past and future. When he gave "life readings" he was able to "see" previous lives that the person had lived.
Reincarnation is something that has interested me greatly in my short life. I have often wondered why if it was true the population kept growing. I talked with my grandfater about this and he answered with a stament and a question.
"The question is not why there are more people, but why weren't more people allowed to come before now." There are many theries that we can come to, more than one planet that we can live on, in the early days humanity was alot cruler and the souls had to mature in order to "guide" the majority by setting an example of kindness and peace, there are almost endless possibilitys.
I have seen acient druid rituals. I can remeber days long ago when we were open to our abilities and people could heal with but a word and a thought. Dreams? Fantasies? I'm not sure, but they are quite vivid.
I am only 20 years old and hopefully I will live a long and healty life. I am detacating my life to my research to understanding these questions and trying to find more questions that haven't even been thought of yet. I can not think of a better way of spending my life. One thing that Cacye said was "I do nothing that you can not do" he said you just had to be open and willing to pay the price. To my knoledge there has not been anyone like Cacye that was not born with there gift. There is no guidlines, there is no text book. And that is my goal, to achieve a level of understanding that many people have had, but not been able to pass along. My desire is to write the guidelines and lead the people who are open to our destinies in the stars. :) I know it will be a long and hard road, but what else am I going to do.
I'm sorry if this is hard to follow.....My mind and thoughts are hard to follow sometimes and I appolige for that :) Untill next time.........deathletgo How it changed my life:not sure ;) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62478 ( Click here )
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