Last night as I was walking back from AM/PM, I noticed that the city started doing some work on the sidewalks, and they had put up temporary "no parking" signs on the last 3 parking spots of the only free parking on my street. My cosmic bug (my mechanically challenged, cosmically painted Super Beetle I won in a raffle for guessing how many rocks were in a jar) hasn't been running for a while and I've been too cheap and lazy to get her fixed, so I've been slowly rolling her down the hill a few feet at a time, every 3 days to keep her from violating the 72 hour parking restriction. When I came around the corner and noticed the new "no parking" signs, I saw that my lil' bug was the only car sitting smack dab in the middle of the new "no parking" area. Having no where else to go but up, I first tried to push her up hill (forgetting how freakin' heavy those Beetles are) but managed to roll even further down hill and deeper into the restricted zone. So I got my truck to push her uphill. Have you ever tried to push an unmanned car uphill by yourself? It turned into a one woman comedy show. First, I started by straightening the bug tires to go directly forward, but after moving only 2 feet, she started to veer left out into the street. I got out of the truck, hopped into the bug - turned the wheels so she'd go back toward the sidewalk. I jumped out of the bug - back into the truck and pushed her another foot before she went too close to the sidewalk. Truck starts smoking. I guess pushing a heavy Beetle uphill is hard work even for an '87 4-Runner. Again, I run from the truck to the bug - correct tire direction, run back to the truck, push her another coupla feet - she veers back out to the street. Truck still smoking. I start praying..... Repeat process three more times.... notice homeless man noticing me (I woke him up with revving engine).... homeless man finds piece of paper and begins to observe my little comedy and write (I wonder what and for who).... after much exhaustive running back and forth between vehicles - I managed to inch her to the safety zone. Aye-yi-yi! Oh how I miss that new car smell....
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .