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Does Prayer Really Work?

  Author: 62410  Category:(Debate) Created:(12/1/2003 8:01:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1528 times)

Does prayer really work? [this would obviously also include the affirmation of the existence of God]

I present an affirmation: I had just moved to this new town and was without a vehicle and in a new job that required me to have a vehicle for daily errands, and fortunately I had one on loan, but just starting fresh, I didn't have the money to buy one of my own - and the loan was not a permanent solution. So one day out of frustration I prayed to God "Lord! Please send me a solution to my transportation problems!" as simple as that.

Two weeks later, I was walking several miles from my apartment to downtown to buy a windchime I saw at the market. I heard the sound of a drum circle coming from the waterfront park on my way to the market. I love tribal drums and drum circles, and decided to take an impromptu detour and find out what was going on in the park. It turned out to be "Hempfest". They were raffling off a '74 VW Beetle - I thought "what the heck" might as well -- I don't have a car. The deal with the raffle was that you had to guess how many rocks were in a little jar (they were small rocks). You could pay $3.00 for 1 guess or $5.00 for 2 guesses. I paid the $5.00. My first guess was 47, and I wrote it down. Then a little voice in my head said "nope - higher - 63". I wrote it down. I was on a mission for the windchime so I didn't stick around to find out if I won, and quite frankly it was a non-issue.

Two weeks later, I received a call..... I was the winner! The thing about this car is it came with an unusual paint job -- all hippied out with swirls of blue, green and yellow with star stickers in the middle of the swirls all over it. It's the "cosmic" bug ;-)

I was soooo happy that God answered my prayer, and thought it was the funniest joke that God would give me THIS particular "solution". That was the first time I realized God had a sense of humor. ;-) Funnier still, this car has been a mechanical nightmare ever since! I think it's a double-joke from God. I have since solved my transportation problems and I still have my cosmic bug as a second car, but it cracks me up that he saw fit to give me such a "solution".

I think the lesson here, is to be VERY specific when appealing to God for answers! What do you think.... does prayer really work?????


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Date: 12/1/2003 8:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 58334    well when I used to beleive it never worked but that may have been from my lack of faith. but you don't have to believe in god to prayer. there are other spiritual beings you can pray to and I have to say those have worked for me.  
Date: 12/1/2003 8:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 49546    I try to believe so! ^_-  
Date: 12/1/2003 8:14:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    I think Nimiwae has it... lack of faith can prohibit the fruition.
Date: 12/1/2003 8:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Yes I believe that prayer works. Not only to help us in our time of need, but for our health also. Our faith or lack of it can determine the outcome of things as when we pray in doubt and unbelief we usually dont recieve the thing we are praying for as we dont believe its going to happen. I use to have hypoglacmia and was healed of it. I've seen many healings and I've had God bless me in many financial ways. Sometimes at the last second, but none the less eventually blessed and helped.  
Date: 12/1/2003 9:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 820    Well, me being an Atheist, of course I personally don't think praying does anything. I once read a quote that I stand by, and it is: "Two hands working can do more than a thousand clapsed in prayer.", but that's just me. Congrats on winning the car, though.. even if it isn't really useable, heh.   
Date: 12/1/2003 9:18:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    FIRSTBORN: Glad you were healed of your hypogacemia. God works. Scall
Date: 12/1/2003 9:20:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    Oh Nicole - it IS usable... however, as with all old VW's - there are a lot of mechanical issues.... that's all. (funnier still... is before I won the car - the loaner was a VW bug and I was going to buy one anyway!!!) Scall
Date: 12/1/2003 9:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 31255    I think it does... I remember this semester I prayed to God that I wouldn't take a test one of the days I was walking to class for a test. I showed up to class... everyone was there and the teacher nor test proctor ever showed up. It felt like the biggest blessing ever. Except the test was moved back a week and ended up being on a week I already had a lot of other work to do. So, I was just equally stressed and was probably more prepared the first time.   
Date: 12/1/2003 9:24:00 PM  ( Admin )   I think that we are supposed to be God's servents and what happens is, he ends up being ours, depending upon what we are asking for.
Date: 12/1/2003 9:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 57232    Sometimes I just don't know. But I guess God has reasons for not remedying a situation. A very good friend of mine has been in a coma since June 2002 and I wonder why? why? but I guess there is a plan and I'm not to understand, but dang it I want to so bad!  
Date: 12/1/2003 9:48:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    Admin... I think God does respond... depending on the circumstances. We don't ALWAYS get what we pray for because there are sometimes things out of our scope of understanding, like plans bigger than our own... but I believe, like you, that God is OURS... and will give us what what we beleive CAN happen. I think it's a matter of faith or belief at the onset. Thanks for your contribution... Scall
Date: 12/1/2003 9:49:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    B.MONKEY13: Only God knows why your friend needs to be in a coma... but there is a reason just as suredly as there was a reason that my solution was a broken down Beetle. Scall
Date: 12/1/2003 11:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 8941    Yes, I believe very much so that prayer works. I loved your story btw...take care.  
Date: 12/2/2003 12:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 28670    Oh, absolutely!! *LOL*!!! I've learned that a few things they say are true. A. God DOES work in mysterious ways. B. He has an incredible sense of humor! I think He gives us serious lessons that come in lighthearted situations. He knows we're having a difficult time down here...and He likes to throw us a curve and catch us way off guard once in a while...but we get the lesson.
I think prayer is a very powerful thing...and essential to spiritual well-being. I can guarantee, but can't prove that we are heard here. I've learned that every religion is unique. Not everyone is going to believe the same thing- no way. They all have some form of truth or another.
Date: 12/2/2003 7:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    Thank You.  
Date: 12/2/2003 8:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 11240    When I hear the word "prayer", that means, to me, talking to God whether or not I am actually asking Him to answer a specific request or not. Mostly when I pray, I am Giving Him Thanks. Does that work? ABSOLUTLEY! He Has Given Me more blessings than I could even possibly know about! Hey, I liked your story. I am happy that you could relate your winning to the Answer of a Prayer. God Bless.  
Date: 12/2/2003 9:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 33517    YES!!!!........**Big Canadian Hugs**  
Date: 12/2/2003 10:41:00 AM  From Authorid: 19092    God always answers prayer. Just sometimes, the answer is no....  
Date: 12/2/2003 10:44:00 AM  From Authorid: 15394    I tend to think of prayer as a concentration of thought and energy... I think that anytime someone concentrates their energy with intention, it does indeed affect the intended target...  
Date: 12/2/2003 1:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    It's all to do with intention. When you focus strongly on something, it tends to happen. But sometimes it happens in ways that we wouldn't have dreamed of. Most people who pray for money in order to buy something don't seem to make it work. You have to look at what you want the money for because that is the real request. So if it's a car, you may not get the money but it came to you anyway. It comes under synchronicity which is what some people call coincidence and it works even for the smallest things, like parking spaces. If you focus on money you have to be very careful because you may get it!!! A person focussed on money in order to buy a car. Then one day they tripped on a curb and broke both legs. They sued city hall and received the money they wanted. Meanwhile the legs didn't heal properly and they ended up disabled. So, my point is to not worry about HOW you get something...just on the thing you want. The universe works with specifics.  
Date: 12/2/2003 4:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Koolade I in no way see how that would apply to healing. My mind didnt heal me, it was an instant act that happened. I've seen a person, deaf, DOCUMENTED DEAF, all his life, get prayed for and suddenly with in a instant of time, could hear for the very first time in 17 years. So no, believe its in the mind, or lifes little coinsidence, but its not. I've had God move in my life and help me when there was JUST no other way that something rather financial or health wise, it could have happened. I could give you a list of things that would take fifty or more posts to put it on. But believe what you will. I know better.  
Date: 12/2/2003 8:10:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    KOOLAID and FB: I think it's a mixture of both because we are CO-CREATORS with God.
Date: 12/2/2003 9:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    You have me curiouse now, how do you figure were co creators?  
Date: 12/2/2003 9:22:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    FB: because we have free will, minds of our own, intention and spirit... without our cooperation in the creating there is nothing. But here, the creation I speak of is not the creation of the Earth, but creation of what materializes in our lives. I totally agree with Koolaid about intention and have seen it work in my life (without prayer) many times. It's also very true what she says about focusing that intention or prayer on money and the unpredictable things that can happen as a result.
Date: 12/2/2003 9:25:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    Kool-aid: indeed we should be very specific with out intentions or prayers... like me - I prayed for a non-specific "solution" and look what I got %-)
Date: 12/2/2003 9:26:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    I remember some very wise words I heard once, "energy flows where attention (or intention) goes."
Date: 12/2/2003 9:27:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    "Where 2 or more are gathered in my name" could also be said that the more people that are focusing intention or prayer on a single outcome the result is that much faster or greater.
Date: 12/2/2003 9:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    I don't know, but I do know that faith and hope, and prayers can bring comfort and work wonders for some. Miracles or chance? I seen some strange and wonderful healings, and devastating loss and horrible death and disease. I believe whatever gives strength to the human spirit and brings comfort is a "blessing".  
Date: 12/2/2003 9:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    *meant, have seen*  
Date: 12/2/2003 9:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    ""But here, the creation I speak of is not the creation of the Earth, but creation of what materializes in our lives. "
Well knock me over, LOL, I agree with you. Well going to bed now, its been a stressfull day.
Date: 12/2/2003 9:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    NOT only do I agree on what you said to me in that comment, but the two after it also. Good night.  
Date: 12/2/2003 9:55:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    FB: LOL ;-) Good night.
Date: 12/3/2003 12:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 24813    I think an even more interesting question arising from an assumption of "prayer-does-work" is, what is the ultimate direction or goal toward which prayer is to guide us? Some of you said God works in mysterious ways while answering a prayer, or that sometimes the contradictory nature of the supposed answer only suggests our limited scope of knowledge about what's truly good for us. If that's the case, what is truly good for us? How would you interpret this "good" plan, does its existence imply a predetermined definite goal or life-mission to be learned or achieved, and lastly, where would that goal come from and why does it exist?  
Date: 12/3/2003 7:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 48809    Yes, prayer really does work. Spirit says that all sincere and earnest prayers are always answered, but not necessarily in our time...but in God's time! My daughter and her family were going to move and she prayed that they could find a home near water... well they found the home they wanted 3 miles from a river and they also live on Water street.lol. So be specific when asking for what you want and don't generalize as she did.  
Date: 12/3/2003 7:34:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    Gecko: re: "How would you interpret this "good" plan" - if we all knew the "plan", there would be no magic in life. We don't always get what we want and we don't always know why - that is part of the great mystery of life.
Date: 12/3/2003 12:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    A big Amen to that.  
Date: 12/3/2003 3:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    Sorry FB i was answering the post. Healing wasn't the intention of my reply. But I know it can work for healing too and I'm glad you were healed. Scall I'm not a 'she' but I respect you anyway. We think alike on some things and that is cool. Hugs.  
Date: 12/3/2003 7:01:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    OMG Koolade, I'm sorry I didn't check out your bio - and I've been spelling your name wrong -- won't happen again ;-) I repect you too.
Date: 12/3/2003 7:03:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    FB: An example of intention vs. prayer for healing is in the Aboriginal culture. I read a book called "Mutant Message Down Under" -- where a white woman goes on walkabout with Aboriginies and one of them gets a compound fracture. There was no praying but there was an intention of engery the tribe focused on their wounded that healed the fracture within days. It was truly an amazing story.
Date: 12/3/2003 7:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    Of course. Any Prayer, no matter the belief system. But "Mindful Meditation" works too. Actually, the human mind is capable of dramatic things, when it comes to the Human body. So, I think it could be our own Mind(s), or Divine Intervention.  
Date: 12/3/2003 8:21:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    Bingo LSG ;-)
Date: 12/3/2003 8:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    Thank you ,Scall  
Date: 12/4/2003 8:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 57225    well.. i don't believe in god.. but.. i think that if you believe in something enough and want it enough.. then it can happen just by your own will and want. if that makes any sense. do i believe theres a neat lil guy floatin around up there somewhere grantin our wishes? nope.. not one bit. but you have the power within yourself to make things like that come true.  
Date: 12/5/2003 9:26:00 AM  From Authorid: 56639    Of Course! I believe with all my heart that prayer works. It has worked for me many times. And yes I believe that you do have to be specific with what you want =-)~...thanx for sharing.  
Date: 12/5/2003 9:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 54987    Skyla you are wise beyond your years. I was very impressed with your reply. Cool!  
Date: 12/5/2003 7:56:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    SkOaLa: I agree with you in part. But to me God is not "some lil guy floating around granting wishes" - to me God is a universal energy that encompasses all that we are a part of. So since I believe I am a part of God then yes, I do make things happen (though the universal energy).
Date: 12/6/2003 5:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 30229    It does for me, and I have seen the miracle of prayer work for countless others...  
Date: 12/6/2003 7:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 57225    Thank you Koolade.   
Date: 12/8/2003 3:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 53836    I definitely believe in the power of prayer and truly enjoyed your story. How cool was that!!! I bet you are a natural eye catcher in that car too! LOL My latest story Tux E. Deaux, is about an answer to a menial prayer of mine...check it out if you get the chance. God bless!  
Date: 12/8/2003 5:03:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62410    Thanks SpaceCase. Yes, eyecatcher is maybe an understatement - more like a one-woman parade ;-) But I live in Seattle where we have an annual "Art Car Show" and there are many odd vehicles cruising our streets - so I don't feel like such a freak ;-)

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