I was walking thru the woods one day, right, and i saw a 13 point buck, he was like bigger than me! behind it, another deer arose, even bigger, this one had 28 points, i shot, and i must of hit the antler(knocking it unconcious), causing it to richechet and hit the other deer in the heart killing it, so i went to the unconscious one, and finsihed the job, and dragged the two deer to my awating lamborgini countach, with spinning rims, and yeah, drove home, dad fainted on my kill. then later, some dude pulled up in my driveway, and offered 750 dollars for the 18 pointer! I gladly accepted, and that was the end of the day, sad thign was, i had to use the 750 to repair the dents and scratches in my lamgorgini caused by the antlers
The end!
--you can tell this is not real-- I was jsut extreamly bored! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 12828 ( Click here )
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