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what has changed everything about who you are?

  Author:  16164  Category:(Discussion) Created:(11/21/2003 12:22:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1090 times)

there are so many things in each day that change who you are a little bit each day......once in a great while an opportunity comes along that most of us dont realize changes who we are right than and there.........and we dont relize it..........it you can think of one thing, that has changed your thought beleif and life what would it have been, or who, and how?............to me the most that changed my life was the life I live now.growing up I lived without so many things to alcohol.my dad and my step dad loved thei alcohol............it didnt bother me than.anytime i felt like leaving i left.........but soon at about the age of 21 I had a daughter.I realized than what I missed earlier.her father left alot out because of his decisions for his addiction, only then did I realize what I missed on.........these past few years I have realized the small things are as important as the big things............like a family portrait..........a walk in the park........fishing........I fished growing up but my daughter hassnt.........campinng I camped but my dautherr hasnt.........smiles..........I actually smiled more than she has................and dad..........I had more of a dad..........than she has..............what changed your outlook on life..........I know I have a different outlook.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 11/21/2003 12:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 33573    I have changed alot throughout my years so far in high school. Most of it is because of my friends now most of the time I can speak my mind withot being afraid. I am a little more sarcastic now though ... ok ALOT more sarcastic!  
Date: 11/21/2003 12:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 42945    there has probably been numerous things in my nearly 62yrs of life that has probably changed me a little, the greatest opportunity came along when we got our young grandaugter to raise when she was 2yrs and we raised her for 9yrs, we didnt realize it at the time we got her, but she bought such happiness and joy into our home....I suppose it didnt really change who I was or am, although, I'm the much wiser now for the experience....good post hun  
Date: 11/21/2003 12:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 62222    When my nephew was born he was pretty peripheral to me because I was 12 when he was born. I was normal at 12, a little sullen, a little too serious, full of myself, you know..normal. For two years I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to him, I mean I didn't ignore him or his needs, but he didn't exactly have a shattering impact on me. And besides, my mother and my sister were his world. They took care of him, fed him, etc. But when he was two, I went away for a few days. I went to visit family up north and I was gone for maybe 2-3 days. When my family came to pick me up my nephew ran to me, hauling baby butt towards me through the airport, running to beat the devil. I leaned down, out of reflex I guess, and he threw himself into my arms and immediately started to babble in his own little language. Then he said "Eye issed ewww Jatie" And I started to cry...cause he missed me. That little guy held my hand the whole way to the car, hair all baby crazy and sticking up, diaper swishing. Michael changed how I looked at him, he wasn't so peripheral anymore, and the joy of having him around wasn't lost on me anymore. He's still the greatest thing that ever happened to my family. Sappy I know, and slightly out of character for me, but that's what has changed me the most and he still changes me. <RegretfulHalo>  
Date: 11/21/2003 12:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 12835    Sniff...Regretful...that was beautiful....sniff....  
Date: 11/21/2003 12:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 62222    LMAO...Laugh it up Pete..you are lucky I am all docile from remembering that.....<RH>  
Date: 11/21/2003 12:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 15998    In my past, almost four years, of high school,my boyfriend taught me to be strong in a million ways. He always lived over an hour away, and now he is in the military so he taught me to be strong in the sense of dealing with things, coping I guess. He's also taught me to stand up for myself, and to not let people take advantage of me, which was the biggest change I needed to make. I still let people do things like that, but it isn't even as half as bad as it was. There are so many things he has done. He's just made me a better person all around.  
Date: 11/21/2003 12:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 35281    My boyfriend changed the way I looked at life. Before I thought you lived and you died, and that was it. But he showed me that we have a purpose in life, even if it's a small one such as getting the paper every day for someone. Our purpose may seem trivial to us, but it can change someone else's world. He allowed me to see that I've been living in a box and that life is great. Because of him I was finally able to let go of past experiences because he said that we can't change the past and if we let it control us then we are not living our life the best we can. Without the past then you wouldn't be the person that you are now. The past controls the future, and the future can always be changed. Because of him, I realized that I was living my life without looking at the big picture. He's made me see a whole new outlook on life. Yeah, he's great and not just because he's going out with me.   
Date: 11/21/2003 1:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 58334    For me, probably a lot. I am definatley more mature than I was last year. I look past people's appearances and I get to know them.  
Date: 11/21/2003 1:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 13546    It was a recent thing, that made me take a real long and hard look at myself, truly at myself.. I think that these past few months have changed me as a whole.. so many things have happened to make me realize that the lies I have been telling myself, are just that, lies, and should no long take hold of who I am.. yes.. There have been many significant events and situations that have formed me, and have broken me, allowing me to see myself. .. I will no disclose those events, perhaps in time. One thing that truly helped me years ago was this site, it allowed me to find out who I was.   
Date: 11/21/2003 1:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 46527    I think that the death of my mother changed me a lot, suddenly I realised that all those stupid little incidental things that I used to worry about really didn't matter anymore.  
Date: 11/21/2003 1:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 62410    Almost dying 3 times in six months 10 years ago. I was a 25-year old airhead who just wasn't thinking deep enough or paying enough attention to the world around me. After close calls in three separate "freak" accidents in that short amount of time, I started getting "in tune" with life. Scall
Date: 11/21/2003 1:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 15228    I don't think any one person changed me, but having a chronic illness did. Having epilepsy completly changed who I am. I began having seizures when I was pregnant about 5 years ago. I use to be a very laid back person, but I find I fly off the handle much more easily, I think that is somewhat due to the medication I'm on, but also, I had a status grand mal that lasted for hours. I'm sure that killed a few brain cells. I don't feel that I am the same person and that will always make me a little sad. I'm actually pretty lucky because I only have seizures every couple of months now and only when I'm falling asleep, so i shouldn't complain, but I'd still like to be who I use to be (If that makes sense).  
Date: 11/21/2003 1:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 49172    Steven, school, Season, Misty, Ashley, Katie, my brother's death, my grandma, my cousin.. everything changes me. I can't just say ONE thing.. but the thing that has changed me most, I would have to say is Steven... and he knows how.  
Date: 11/21/2003 2:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 53284    Moving out of my parents house and supporting myself through college. Basically I grew up.  
Date: 11/21/2003 2:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 36511    i guess whats changed me the most is my parents divorce. I'll spare the gruesome details, but after that, my dad moved us 6 different times to get us away from our mother...yet also give her a reason to come back. She would move in with us because she didn't want to live far away from her...But in the end something bad would always happen between her and my dad, and she'd dissapear. That happened maybe 20 times or more...untill finally my dad started to accept the fact that my mom didnt love him anymore. Now im picking up the shards of the past and hopefully moving on...and as of result of it, I've become a quiet, introverted person without any confidence or self-esteem. Sad. I'm afraid to become close with anyone, because i fear that they might hurt me, or I might hurt them. Maybe if my mom had stayed faithful, and my dad paid a little more attention to my mom...maybe I would have been a different person. But thats not how thw world turns, is it?  
Date: 11/21/2003 3:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 58809    Well, all I can say is that I've had a lot of experiences that have made me a full-blown cynic. I entered high school, somewhat...but completely naive, with a certain spark in my eyes. Now that I'm leaving highschool, I can say that that little light has died out, but that a new one has emerged. BOY have I learned...A Lot, in these past few years. BUT if I had to pick ONE thing that set off the rest, was when My best male friend and I er...became a "thing." It didn't go quite well thanks to many, many outside factors...that sadly still haunt me sometimes to this day. However, I do like the person I've become for the most part. -DevilsRoad-  
Date: 11/21/2003 6:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 53054    A lot of different experience have changed who i am truely inside....and you can see the changes on the outside...i am friendly and more confident now in certain situations, but im an introvert moostly which still has not changed....i would love to become more open with people in the real world! *hugz*  
Date: 11/21/2003 6:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 62367    My life changing experience was death. To be exact my father's death marked the line between adulthood and childhood. I was 21 when he died and had just graduated from college.  
Date: 11/21/2003 9:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 44960    My profile says it all! (((HUGS)))  

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