Date: 11/15/2003 4:34:00 PM
From Authorid: 25756
I call anything that goes on your feet (other than socks/slippers) shoes, sneakers are...sneakers. Lol! Uhh, cap and hat are almost the same, but it's not like I'd call a cowboy hat a cap. Like, all caps are hats, but not all hats are caps. Lol! Uhhh, jackets and coats are pretty much the same to me, dinner used to be what lunch is now, right? And coke is Coke, like Diet Coke, and the word pop I don't use much. I call it soda. :-D lol!  |
Date: 11/15/2003 4:34:00 PM
From Authorid: 61966
It's all the same to me..I say shoes,jacket,dinner and coke...a glass and cup are the same to me too.  |
Date: 11/15/2003 4:35:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 53900
I dont know why I find it so funny and that comment on teh cowboy hat cracked me up....just doesnt sound the same if you call it a cowboy cap  |
Date: 11/15/2003 4:38:00 PM
From Authorid: 3688
for me a cup is something a hot drink goes into a glass something cold....coat= worn in winter, jacket=worn in spring/fall  |
Date: 11/15/2003 4:40:00 PM
From Authorid: 42945
I call shoes the ones I wear out when I'm dressed up, the others are either joggers or sandals which I refer to as casuals...but I know what you are saying hun, it doesnt matter what you call them they go on your feet irregardless what they are lol!!! a cap is what I call when they look like a baseball cap, the hat is what I wear when I go out but it could be dressed up or casual dress, jacket and coat I call the same thing, over here dinner can be referred to as tea, but we know,tea is something we drink, I was told this by my grandaughter lol!!some people even refer to lunch as their dinner...but really who cares, we know what people mean and it doesnt matter...good post hun  |
Date: 11/15/2003 4:45:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 53900
yea I know technically there is a difference in them but it is just so funny to me how people are so particular....this guy I was talking to is reallllly funny so he had me cracking up  |
Date: 11/15/2003 4:55:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 53900
DOnt ask me why but I am in a laughing mood tonight...I could not stop laughing when we were talking...not that this subject was all that funny but at teh moment he started talking about the difference in things I just could not stop laughing....matter of fact I am still cracking up  |
Date: 11/15/2003 5:08:00 PM
From Authorid: 16705
i call them tennis shoes myself but there is a difference between a glass and a cup lol. Hamb918  |
Date: 11/15/2003 5:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 53836
sneakers= my kids when getting into the pantry when I'm not looking...cap=used in the infamous gangster films of the 50's as a term for bullet (ie. "I'll pop a cap in ya!" ...coat=a term in painting used for applying paint to walls (ie. another coat of paint will make it look more even)...dinner is at noon and supper is at 7pm...pop= a sudden loud sound or explosion all you have left are shoes, hats, jackets, and coke, LOL!  |
Date: 11/15/2003 5:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 53836
hmmm, shoes, a hat, a jacket and a coke...sounds like you're goin' out! LOL In Florida all you need are jackets, but up north they wear real bulky coats, I think...and I guess the hat/cap thing is necessary, I too found the Cowboy Cap comment hilarious!! And it's a baseball cap, but then there are fidoras and barets and they fall into neither catagory...but it's silly that the sock hat should be compaired to the sombrero too ey amigo?  |
Date: 11/15/2003 5:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 58334
I think it all depends on where you live. Out here we say pop, tennis shoes, coat and such  |
Date: 11/15/2003 6:08:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 53900
OK SpaceCase you had me cracking up too...LOL OK I am still laughing at this conversation. he went on adn on to explain teh differences and it all started cause we were talking about my old tennis shoes. He was telling me they are beyond their day even though they are not that old. Soooo that is when I told him I was buying new ones....OK but I said new shoes sooooo anyhow it went on from there about how sneakers are not shoes they are sneakers....LOL  |
Date: 11/15/2003 7:05:00 PM
From Authorid: 25756
LMAO! Well you WOULDN'T call it a Cowboy Cap, now would you?!  |
Date: 11/15/2003 7:14:00 PM
From Authorid: 5252
sneakers to me are like hytops, shoes are like tennis shoes, flats...cap is baseball cap, hat is cowboy hat, jacket is for when it is windy, coat is for when it is snowing or raining, dinner and supper i see no difference, coke is what all texans say, pop is what out of towners say!  |
Date: 11/15/2003 9:58:00 PM
From Authorid: 24732
For some reason this reminds me of the SAT'S LOL. Sneakers are a specific type of shoe, shoe is a general term used for foot apparel. A cap is a specific kind of hat, hat is a general term for head apparel. Jacket is almost like a coat but lighter. Dinner is what you call a formal lunch, supper is the evening meal. Coke is a specific brand name of soda, and pop is a synonym used when refering to any soda. And a cup is about 3 or four inches, when a glass is made out of glass and is about 6 or 7 inches. If it's 6 inches and not made out of glass you call it a tumbler.  |