I've been hearing tons of stories of sick and wounded guys coming back from Iraq who aren't getting basic medical treatment; the story of Jessica Lynch who got more attention than she probably deserved, and now today I found the following story. I just wonder what the heck is going on with our government. I thought they were supposed to take care of our soldiers. You would think that if they ask you to DIE for them - then they could at least cure you when your sick or wounded, and clothe you before you go into battle. Hmmm???
Longview, WA - Specialist Brian Lange with the Army National Guard just spent his last weekend with his wife and two sons before mobilizing for Iraq. He and more than 3,000 soldiers from the 81st Armor Brigade are heading out on Saturday. But instead of fun, Lange's mind was on finances all weekend. The Lange family is trying to scrape up enough money to buy what you'd assume is paid for by the U.S. government. He needs money for supplies including a flashlight, socks, a utility belt, binoculars, sunglasses, even a pair of boots. Lange has a pair of the basic issue boots, but soldiers in the field say they they aren't suitable. Army National Guard members need more expensive boots, specially designed for the desert. "About 60% of the families that are being deployed right now cannot afford $200 to $300 out of their normal paycheck plus being able to survive knowing that their loved on is going," said Johnston. To survive while her husband Brian is gone, Rachel Lange and her two sons are going without heat. They are also postponing christmas indefinitely. "It's frustrating," said Rachel. "But I just look at it as he has to go over there (to Iraq) and do what he has to do. While he is over there doing his job I will just take care of everything here as best as I can. If that means the rent is late a little bit, and the heat gets turned on a little bit later, and the kids go without Christmas presents, then it's just what I have to do."
I was absolutely appalled by this.
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