This came from a newsletter I'm part of. It's a Marine newsletter, were we can go and tell our stories to other Marines who understand. Well anyway, this is a exerpt from a Marine who was actually there and experienced it, if you still want to believe the news after this then that's your choice no matter how wrong it is.
I am an Infantry Platoon Sergeant with 1st Battalion, 7th Marines. We returned from Iraq 5 October. I have been reading some the e-mails and must respond to one. My billet in An Najaf, Iraq was Security Chief for the Battalion CP at the University of Najaf. Part of my duties was the daily coordination with the locals who lived at the University and any who came up to the gate. Without exception, over 90% of the Iraqi people wanted us there! When we left, power and water were full time, for the first time in remembered history. People could protest the US, the government or anyone else without fear of being arrested. When a US soldier was killed near Najaf, the Iraqi citizens had a demonstration SUPPORTING the US and expressing condolences. The people of Iraq need the assistance of the US. Without our presence or the presence of peacekeepers, the totalitarian regime will resume is hold on the country and persecute its citizens. I am proud of my actions and the actions of the United States Marine Corps. I ask the citizen's of this country to look at the good we have done and are doing and support the US efforts in Iraq.
SSgt S. P. Perry H&S Co., 1st Bn, 7th Mar, 1st Mar Div 1989-present You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 61941 ( Click here )
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