ok imma tell my side now..this is dolphin princess. ok some of it was true. we worked together and so forth, most ofyou know about me and Justin, for i have posted most of em on here. He ignored me once and it was the last time i had seen him. I was there watching a movie with his friend, and his friend's sister and so forth..he had come in he didn't say anything to me but he looked over at me and yeah i was hurt. I seen him today for the first time in 2 months...when he seen me he smiled I mean a really big smile, his whole face lit up..and he waved. I have decided not to go after him..for if he wants something from me..whether it be friendship or more then he can come to me. I am gonna do that. But as for forgetting about him, he didn't hurt me as bad as it sounds..yeah he can be a jerk but everyone can be that way...and when all this happened he lived with friends, he had no car, no money, no job. But as for caring for him, yeah i care for him a lot..this is the happiest i've been in a while..and all htat happened was i seen him today. I would know that face anywhere. ok that's my side! :) Thanks Dolphinprincess You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 39043 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .