They walked down the path a little ways, following Ringo, when suddenly he veered off into the forest. “Great,” Paul shouted, “now he’s going off into the woods. I told this was a bad idea!” “Shut up Paul, no one wants to hear your whining”, John shouted back. George turned around to see Paul and John fighting; great, just what we need, another argument. He turned around to follow Ringo who was far ahead of the rest. “Hey Ringo, wait up!” George caught up to Ringo who looked confused, “What’s the hold up?” Ringo asked. “They’re fighting again.” If there’s one thing I more sick of than Ringo’s sob story its John and Paul fighting. “I don’t like it either”, Ringo suddenly said, as if he had read George’s mind. Then Ringo turned toward Paul and John, “Hey, we haven’t got all day, hurry up! There’ll be plenty of time to fight later.” The two of them turned around, obviously annoyed, “Alright Ringo, we’re coming.” John yelled back. George turned around just in time to see Ringo’s face turn to horror. His eyes went wide and he yelled, “John, Paul; RUN!” The two stopped and looked confused for a second but then obeyed. Before they could reach George and Ringo a fog was quickly coming in. “What the…?” George said to himself. Right before Paul and John got there the fog was thick enough that George couldn’t event see a foot in front of him. John burst through the fog and grabbed Ringo, “What the hell was that?” Ringo just looked past him and asked, “Where’s Paul?” The three looked where Paul should have been, “Paul!” John shouted. “Over here!” they could hear Paul’s voice in the distance, “Bloody hell! Guys, it looks like something’s out here.” There was a long pause; then they heard Paul scream. “Paul!” John tore away from the others back into the fog. They followed the sound of Paul cursing and finally they saw him along with John. “Paul?” George knelt down next to John, “John?” Both of them had a look of horror on their face. George squinted into the fog trying to see what they saw. Then he saw it but all he could do was gasp. “How do you think he died?” George managed to say after a while, “It looks like a pack of wolves got him.” Paul responded. “It wasn’t wolves.” Ringo said flatly. Ringo knelt down and pried the shot gun out the man’s cold hands. “What was it then?” John demanded. “I don’t know but… I think it came out of Hell.” That made everyone look at Ringo, who stood up and turned his back on them. “Come on, let’s go. We have to stay together or else we’ll get lost, and if you get lost,” he looked back down at the man, “you’ll probably end up like him.” He started to walk off and everyone else quickly followed. Oh great, George thought, what have I gotten myself into? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 55408 ( Click here )
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