Hey guys.. each and every one of us have passed through depression... Well here are some tips to HOW TO HANDLE DEPRESSION.. hope it helps ya..
Think positively: The first and foremost thing that you need to do is think positively. Even failure can be positive, as long as you draw useful lessons from it. All apparently negative experiences have positive elements to them. Learn to identify these positives. This will help you to draw the best from every situation.
Talk about it: Talking about problems to a partner or a colleague can often help a lot. They may have been through a similar situation, faced the same problem before, and may be able to point out that you have the wrong perspective on a situation. Talking will make you feel better and lighter. Try therapy if you want.
Work on your self-confidence: After you do decide to walk out of the dark room of depression, you are going to need all the confidence that you can gather to deal with life.
Set personal goals: This will give you a direction in life and will help you acknowledge that you too can achieve useful and important things.
List your negative and positive points: You have to be your best friend, judge and critic. After listing all your negative points, deal with each one of them by challenging each point objectively, asking yourself 'Is this fair?' or 'Is this really serious? You should find that many of your negative beliefs are wrong or insignificant. Also, list down things that you can do well, as well as your positive personality traits. Be proud of these as they can help you contribute positively to the world.
Quit worrying: Deal with your anxiety and worry. Indulge in self-talk. Ask yourself whether it is realistic to worry about things you have no control over. When you look at them rationally, you may find most of your worries to be either irrational or out of proportion.
Be assertive: You may find that other people are not paying attention to your wants and needs. This can be upsetting and humiliating. Learn to express your wishes firmly, but only be confrontational if absolutely necessary. Assertiveness training can be beneficial in learning to do this.
Be realistic: Have you set standards that are unrealistically high? This will typically occur when you believe that a certain standard of achievement is necessary, but you do not have either the financial or time resources available to achieve that. In this case it may be realistic to re assess the standards that you can reasonably achieve within the set constraints, and aim at these. How it changed my life:=D You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 23886 ( Click here )
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