It's name comes from the Latin word for pomegranate, a fruit which carries a mythological significance of it's own, and whose seeds the stones resemble.
Garnets have a long history of involvment with people. Garnet jewelry has been found dating back to the Bronze Age, and it's written that the path of Noah's Ark was lit by a Garnet bow light. They were sacred to Native peoples throughout the Americas, and were favored as ornamental gems almost everywhere else. In 1892, Garnets were even made into bullets by Hunza warriors in Kashmir to be used against British troops in the belief that they would be more deadly than lead.
All Garnets are believed to ensure a safe return, which would be helpful to soldiers as well as regular travellers. The ancient Egyptians also used Garnets in this capacity, adorning mummies with Garnets to protect and light the way for the soul on it's journey to the afterlife. In the Middle Ages, the stone aquired a reputation for ridding the body of infections, poisons, and all other blood disorders.
On the metaphysical level, meditating with a Garnet has been known to give visions of past-lives...and if you can find a deep-coloured Garnet big enough to wrap your fingers around, it's a bit tricky to avoid just melting into it. Garnets are still belived to heal the blood and rid the body of infection, but today, they are also thought to heal heart and lung problems, as well as increase self-confidence, wisdom, and add force to chosen pursuits.
Garnet is the birthstone for January. It's wise-yet-bold energy may help liven up a typically grumpy Capricorn, or anyone with Saturn strong in their natal chart. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 28899 ( Click here )
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