*Artist to check out: Rachel Stevens
Album(s): "Funky Dory"
Genre: british pop (the good stuff ;)!)
Official site: http://www.rachelstevensofficial.com
Best song: "Sweet Dreams my LA ex"
Last heard from: October 2003
Grade (outta 5 stars): 10!*
*This name is definitly foriegn to us Americans. But not to the brits! Rachel Stevens was once 1/7th of the postive pop band "S Club 7." They weren't really big here but they had their own show (which as a kid I watched religiously) on FOX/ABC Family, and they also had a few hits with "Bring it all back" and "Never had a dream come true". But lately after making their own straight to DVD (I do believe) movie the 7 (which was now 6 missing memeber Paul) broke up and most of them purused their own endeavors. Thus thats why we now have Rachel Stevens! I have a british fascination and to much time on my hands so while browsing mtv.co.uk I noticed Rachel's song on their version of TRL and remembered her. So while I was sticking it to the RIAA I downloaded her first single "Sweet dreams my LA ex" and then found the rest of her CD along with it. Good stuff! I wish the album was available here because some of the downloads were to short or to long but hey I'm American and I'm not rich enough to order overseas! Anyways she's still worth checking out and if you go to her official site they got free clips of her songs, so you can judge for yourself :D! Definitly an under rated artist you should know!*
-Artist to avoid: Britney Spears
Album(s): "Baby one more time", "Oops I did it again", "Britney", and the up and coming "In the zone"
Genre: pop thats just to catchy for her to sing!
Debuted: 1998 I believe
Grade (outta 5 stars): minus 10-
-*raises hand* I have had a Destiny's Child love/hate relationship with Miss Spears. When she debuted with "Baby one more time" I would scream tell my Aunt turned the radio (hey I was only...11 I think)! I just couldn't stand her! When Oops I did it again came out I was fanatic for her, guess I really liked the songs (and was majorly lacking a Spice Girl influence!) Then when "Britney" came out I was fanatical, but I grew to accept most of it. Now that "In the Zone" is coming out I just can't help but hate her once again! This is the same girl who 'smokes because she likes the way it makes her voice sound!' I think that statement (coupled with how any song lyrics she write almightly sucks) proves why she got signed: LOOKS! Nothing irks me more then an artist who was signed for that reason, and honestly the whole Britney/Madonna thing makes me hate her even more. I mean we all know WHY Madonna is working with her (i.e. free publicity and her last album didn't do so well) and we all know Britney is inherintly just evil. I'll probably go insane and maybe by this new CD, but if I do please shoot me.-
:CD of the week: "Come away with me"
Artist: Norah Jones
Genre: blues (no not jazz, jazz is perkier)
Released: February 26, 2002
Official site: http://www.norahjones.com
Best song: "Don't know why"
Grade (outta 5 stars): 6":
:Well another artist I have had one of those love/hate relationships with is Norah Jones. Her song was okay but it put me to sleep at first and annoyed me because people called it 'jazz'. People seem to think jazz means 'slow boring over done songs' i.e. Alicia Keys, Norah Jones, and ohh who was that other one? Eh I forget but not important. Jazz is more Diana Krall and Etta James, ya know not only slow but has some fast songs too. Well I relented and bought Norah's CD and it was good but much like Evancense's CD: much of the same as the title/single song. It's a nice relaxing CD, just nice and pretty. She has really nice vocals and the lyrics are actually well written. So that is why I cut her some slack, because I have fallen in love with this CD :D!:
Past reviews:
Music Review #1: *Res*, -Avril Lavigne-, and :Macy Gray:
Music Review #2 *Sarah Connor*, -Sarai-, :Lifehouse:
Music Review #3 *Maria*, -Hillary Duff-, :Spice Girls:
Music Review #4 *i5*, -Justin Timberlake-, :Anastacia:
Music Review #5 *Emma Bunton*, -Beyonce`-, :Thalia:
Music Review #6 *Craig David*, -Clay Aiken-, :Lisa Marie Presley:
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