Alaska – as we all know, it’s big, really big, and harvests some of the most beautiful scenery and animal wildlife in the world. Knik River Valley is a well-known hunting area in Alaska.
In 1982, two off duty police officers went for a drive out there and tried to go hunting. They had little luck, so called it a day rather early. On the way back to camp, the found that of a boot and realised it was in fact a corpse. They traced back their steps, made note of where they were and headed back to get some help. They tried not to disturb anything.
A policeman was assigned to the case and he was known for being somewhat pedantic in his studies of the crime areas. This actually payed off. They found a bullet shell near the body, that of a gun that’s normally used in hunting.
Back at the lab, they were looking at a female corpse. She was identified 2 weeks later as a dancer that had been offered $300 for someone to take photos of her. She was killed about 6 months ago and rags near her body suggested she was blind folded for death. Death was 3 bullets.
The police felt that the amount of disappearances had increased and that of table top dancers too. So they felt this might not be the first murder this person had done. They kept their suspicions quiet however, as to not alert the killer, or the district. 2 bodies had been found 2 years ago, badly composted, both women that do selling of themselves as professions. Two policemen were put on the case to find out whether this murder could be linked with the previous two.
A month went by with no prevail but then a truck driver reported picking up a young women running out of the bushland, she had handcuffs on and her clothes were all disarrayed, she was given a ride to town and there she rang for her pimp. The truck driver was decent enough to report the incident to police. Police went straight over to the hotel and found her, removed her handcuffs and listened to a very strange story…
She says that a man pulled over when she was in town and asked if she would give oral for $200, she agreed to that and they went back to his house in a rich part of town. He then raped her, beat her and put things in her. With a gun he told her that they would go up to his cabin and she could be set free if she behaved. They drove to the airport where he had a small plane but she took the first chance she got and ran for her life, he ran after her but lost interest when he waved the truck down.
After she made and official statement, they took her back to the airport and identified the plane. A Robert Hansen who lived in the area she described owned it. They dropped the woman off to hospital and went straight to Hansen’s house. He grew very mad, insisting you cannot rape a prostitute and saying he had never seen the women before in his life. He also said his wife and children were in Europe and he spent the night with friends… his alibi checked out. He was not charged.
Soon another body was found. She had been dumped near the Knik river and killed with one bullet. This convinced police they had a serial killer. This victim has been missing for 5 months and found now. The FBI was called in to help the investigation, they were known to be good with these cases. Hansen was their number one suspect and a profile was made up immediately.
The profile consisted of Hansen’s background. Being a child with a fairly normal background but he had bad acne as a child and was teased a lot, this suggested that that might be why he lives out in that cabin, due to low self esteem. He was known in town as a terrific hunter and taken down anything with any weapon, but profilers felt he may have gotten bored and turned to humans as more excitement. He was seen to have killed the girls out of revenge, for ridiculing him and for him being embarrassed around them. They didn’t feel like he would stop unless he was made to stop.
They had to break his alibi, then they could charge him. Surprisingly, the two men were called in that said they were with him and both broke early and said they weren’t with him on the night of the girls abduction. The men also told police that he had tricked insurance companies too, pretended to have been burgled when the items were in the basement and he collected the cash. Police immediately got a search warrant.
They searched his house and found nothing, but then, just as they were about to call it a day, they found a small hidden space in the attic rafters. Here was a shrine, photo ids, the guns, jewellery, newspaper clippings etc ... all on the murders.
It was time too look into his past. His parents flew over from Holland before he was born and started a bakery. Even as a child, his father made him work hard in the family bakery. He was also small for his age, and covered in acne. He stuttered some and his parents made him write right handed even though he was in fact left handed. He had some friends but not many and when school finished, he enrolled in the army and did one weekend a month with them. The rest of the time, was in his fathers bakery. He then married a local girl.
He burned down a garage and got turned in by his friends shortly later, his wife then divorced him and he spent 20 months in jail when the sentence was 3 years. He was released despite the recommendations that his personality really should be looked into more carefully. He re-married when he got out, was charged a few time for petty theft and finally packed his bags and headed for Alaska. He started hunting there immediately and got himself a good reputation. He was arrested again for stealing a chainsaw and was sentenced to 3 years and was out after 1. Once again, the psychologists recommended that he stay, the recommendation was not reinforced, and he left. Hansen then claimed a burglary which scored him $13,000 from the bank, he opened a bakery and his wife and kids were happy.
Police arrested him for fraud and kidnapping initially as the rest of the evidence was gathered and labelled. He was charged for all the weapons he had and fraud first, they decided to wait before trialling him for murder. He pleaded not guilty and bail was set at $500,000. In the mean time, shell casings were being matched with his weapons and the box of bullets at home. Hansen grew scared when he found out what they had and agreed to confess, as long as he was trialled only for the 4 bodies found and he could spend time in a prison that was not maximum security.
Hansen talked about getting the women under control, wanting to scare them. Once he had the control, he would take them to his cabin, rape and torture then for several hours. He would then remove their clothes, sometimes blindfold them and set them free into the woods. He often bound them too, he then said he would give them time, then set out after them with a hunting knife or rifle, and he felt on top of the world when he brought his hunt down. Hansen then marked 15 spots on a map, 12 in which were not found by police as of yet. They then took him out in helicopter and he took the police to 12 other women, all dead, just the grave sites now.
Hansen got his agreement and is spending time in the facility he agreed to when confessing. His wife had to divorce and move after 2 years of harassment. Those two other women were never linked to the Hansen case and they are still to be solved today. How it changed my life:Horror\\\\Buff You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 60162 ( Click here )
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