When was the last time that you told your children you loved them? Last night? A couple hours ago? Just now?? When was the last time you held your child and cuddled with him or her? Do you remember the last time you yelled at your child because he or she did something bad? Did you remember to tell him/her why you did it? That you only did it because you love them?? Well... the reason for me posting this.. today I went to a good friends of mine funeral. Their almost 2 month old grandson passed away. It was so awful. I didn't know what to say to them as I hugged them.. I felt their pain. I just can't imagine what they're going thru. If it hurts us, when a family member passes away, I just can't imagine the pain of someone burying they're own child. I'm sitting here in tears, thinking of how I would be if one of my kids was taken from me. I just can't imagine myself living without one of them. I think I would go crazy if one of them were taken from me. As I layed them down on their bed, I kneeled next to them, carresing their faces and apologizing to them, if I hurt them this day. I told them how much I loved them, that I will try to show them from now on, how wonderful they are to me. Thank you to whoever reads this. I know i'm not anyone to tell you this, but get up from your chair, and hug your child and give them a kiss, even if your child is asleep. Take at least 5 minutes from the computer to do this. You don't know when you may loose them. How it changed my life:You just can't imagine. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 4887 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .