Riding life on a roller coaster, Fearing the ups, knowing the downs are to come. Heart beating as I await my fate, Not knowing what good or evil will come.
When on top, I understand that I have no choice. Waiting upon my fall, With a sense of no rejoice.
Then I fall, Closing my eyes. This is my fate I say, Now is the time to say my byes.
Upside down, The world going round and round. Frowns are now smiles, And all that I lost have now been found.
A vision above all, A mystifying site. Land from sand to sea, Skies from dark to light.
Going up again, I regain my pride. On the highest peak, For I know this is my last ride.
Looking down, Now no longer blind. In this life I live, Within this abnormal mind.
Dropping with fright, Not seeing what lies front. My eyes tight shut, Unprepared for this sinful hunt.
The wind is now but behind me, The sun way above. A feeling of relief gushes me, A feeling far beyond love.
Love I forgot existed, Riding faster than time. Nothing compares to this satisfaction, That I receive from this legal crime.
Now in control, A grin takes hold. This world seeming so small now, So evil and cold.
My eyes reopen, Now able to see the end. A struggle I have survived, shivering an offbeat trend.
The ups and downs have come to a stop, The shuttle now awaits my arrival. Now in reverse, From acceptance to denial.
Not wanting to get off, Understanding all meanings of life. Asking for one more ride, A ride on this roller coaster life.
Giving reasons, Justifying thoughts. Realizing what I missed, A cause of so many broken hearts.
Tears become my source, Not wanting to forget. Questions asked, This one ride I know I will regret.
My heart begins to cry, My blood flows away. Tonight I witnessed all, What separates night from day.
I hear the calls, I feel the sorrow. Let me be I tear, Scared and alone in this horror.
So let it end here, A true mourn I am hoping. My hands so cold and num, My eyes so bright and open.
So harsh and fast, So deep yet shallow. Hurt from the loss, Feeling grief and mellow.
Tonight I say bye, To this life I led. Motionless as I lay, Hurt on this death bed.
My last breath, My last cry. One last tear I taste, I said tonight I say goodbye.
---S.B. ice
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