Since we are nearing Halloween, I was reading a book on the paranormal. In this book, the author explains that one can test how much ESP, if any, a person may have through the use of a quartz crystal. Additional detail in Chapter is provided to explain how special these crystals really are; yet little is known scientifically about the true power these gems hold. FYI, quartz crystals power some of man's most complicated technology such as the very computer you are using.
Anyway, the test is this -
"All you need is a small crystal pendulum, probably just an ounce or two (the size is not terribly important), affixed to small chain or ribbon not more than two inches in length. On the other end of the chain a small ring, about the size of a dime is preferable. This allows you to suspend the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger without touching the chain.
Take the pendulum in your right hand (or left if you are left-handed). Allow it to freely hang on the chain. The flesh of tip of the thumb and the tip of the forefinger should be felt through the ring. Now move the crystal pendulum over the palm of your left (right)hand approximately two inches above the palm.
Using only your mind, ask a question that can be easily answered with a yes or no. It should be a question for which you already know the answer to. For example: Is my name ________? If you ask the question using the correct name, the crystal pendulum will begin to rotate to the right, clockwise. If the name you use is false, the pendumlum will rotate to the left, or counter-clockwise. (Some people have found that their energy causes the crystals to respond in exactly the reverse). That isn't important. Just make certain you determine which movement denotes truth and which denotes falsehood before you proceed.) It is very important that you hold the pendulum as steady as possible, making every effort not to influence the rotation by any physical motion. A neutral response will result in the pendulum moving in a side-to-side rather than a rotating motion.
The crystal will not respond to everyone, of course, but it is amazing how many people will discover that they at least have some ESP power. Don't be impatient. Like anything else being attempted for the first time, it requires practice to achieve the necessary concentration. Psychics who use this pendulum frequently find that they can ask question about virtually anything. It is for many of them another form of dowsing. I have (the author) personally witnessed a pendulum in the hands of a gifted psychic moving with such energy and force that its rotation was virtually horizontal. Try it. You have nothing to lose but your skepticism."
*** The Paranormal Sourcebook, A Comprehensive Guide to All Things Otherwordly. Written by Charles E. Sellier (pg 91).
Questions: Has anyone tried this test perchance? Where can I find these crystals? Does the test work, and what do you focus on to try and get the pendulum moving?
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .