She opened the door..It was a jungle theme. There were green trees (fake of course) covering the entrance. She brushed them aside and saw a beautiful deep green carpet and in the middle of the room there was a canopy bed. And elegant cover was drapted over the bed. There was a matching bed spread. The wall was green with jungle creatures stenciled on it. In front of the bed was a flat screen t.v. with frogs and monkey stickers plastered on. There was also a DVD player. In the far corner there was a wooden desk with a green desk lamp and axcessories. "I hope you like." Katey jumped. "I love it. Thanks." Katey walked down the stairs with her mom and grabbed a couple of boxes. When she gathered all of her boxes and took them to her room, she began to unpack. She came across a frame with her best friend, Shelly. But instead of Shelly, there was a girl she hadn't recognized. This mysterious person was green and bits of skin slid off revealing bone. Katey shreaked, dropping the picture. Glass shattered everywhere and when Katey glanced at the picture again, it was normal. She collapsed on her bed and wepted. The next few hours were harsh. All she did was doze in and out of a deep sleep. At one point she thought that she felt a draft and saw a shadow drift over her. "Is there someone else in this room with me?" Katey wondered. "Yes," a voice said. The voice sounded as if it was right beside her bed. Katey sat straight up. Her heart was pounding so hard that she hoped it wouldn't wake her parents. She grabbed the flashlight she had always kept under her pillow and snapped it on. The light glided over the sheet that surrounded her and finally she paused. There was the out line of a shadow standing in front of her. She tried to scream but she was to terrified that all she could do was tremble. She noticed the hand begin to pull away the drapery.... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 48758 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .