The Stantson family had just built a new house in Boston. Katey, the 15 year old daughter, wasn't thrilled about leaving her home in Boston but she didn't have a choice. She left her friends with tears in her eyes and hopped into the van. They hadn't even left the state and Katey's little brother, Ben, was hollering about something. "Pipe down you little weasle!" Katey shouted. "Katey.." her father said warningly. Katey huffed but said nothing. 2 days later, they had arrived. The packers had already come and gone. The designer too. "Boy, they don't waste any time." Katey thought. SHe decided to see what disaster the designer did to her room. When she walked into the front hallway, she noticed bright colors of yellow and gold splashed on the wall. She passed the french doors that led to the den and on the other side where double doors that she guessed led to the kitchen. She went farther down the hallway until she came to a wooden stair case and she walked up. Katey appeared in a long hallway and opened the first door she came to. The room was dimly lit with creamy brown walls. The was bed-was a kingsize-had a matching comforter. A flat screen t.v. hung on the wall in front of the bed. Katey thought of her room and eagerly reenter the hallway in search of her room. She opened the next door only to find it was a bathroom with marble sinks and an elegant bathtub. She opened the door right across from it but it was only an empty hall closet. Okay, last door. "This has to be it.." Katey thought and opened the door... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 48758 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .