Lets start this story from the beginning, like any proper story should. Awhile back I was looking in my bulk inbox (99% of all my spam email goes here) and as I quickly glanced over all the various people and products spamming me, something caught my eye. An email from the Internation Who's Who in Professional Management. Granted, I had been accepted into various Who's Who categories in High School, the kind that look good on your resume and have little other purpose. So, there I was looking at the email and figured, "Ah, what the heck, I got 5 minutes. I can fill out the registration form." Then I completely forgot the entire affair, confident in the fact that I would not be accepted, but that I gave that little effort to make me feel like I did something. Then one morning at work I got a phone call (I am in the military and where I work phone calls are usually something one doesn't look forward too. Lo and behold, it was Internation Who's Who of Professional Management wanting to set up a phone interview with me to see if I qualify to be in the 2004 edition of the book. Stunned, I agreed on a date. Long story short, I got a letter in the mailbox last week telling me that I had indeed been accepted. So in conclusion I would just like to thank everyone here for having a place that I can set as my homepage and post my monumental achievement. (Disclaimer: the above article is true in its entirety and was written my me. I cannot be held accountable for any spelling or grammatical errors because I hate rereading anything that I write.) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 1055 ( Click here )
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