Tonight I'm free, Im done with all the people who hurt me... I'm letting them go, It's time to let myself grow
Goodbye mom yet I still must know you the hurt and pain you caused is truly my childhoods loss, it's sad you choose hims over me, but thats just the way I suppose its meant to be
Goodbye dad yet I still must know you, the pain from the bruises and hurt are never quite gone, my emotional scars arent long healed, their still fresh but it'll be for the best
Goodbye Beth you always lied to me, you two faced little girl is what I now truly see, i know you just love talking behind my back, but I'm now done with all that
Goodbye Linda a friend you never were, I might as well just talked with myself because you never listened, though I was always missing you it was wrong and now its been so long since I seen you yet I still care and wonder what kind of friendship was ever there
Goodbye Katie M you played me like a fool and I'm just done with you, I always ran back but its been 3 months now and still strong, I'm better without you and I know I'm not wrong for that, you always hurt me and used me, well find someone else to loan you money and take you places, I just hope time can erase your dark cloud over my life and all those tears you made me cry
Goodbye my former classmates of Royal Middle are truly still a hurtful cause in my life though its now been 3 years since I last had to deal with you. You hurt me and teased me, drove me apart, made me fight with my family because I was so lonely, you hurt me and made fun of every little move I made, so I ate and ate and all was the same...Its because of you I was once almost a size 22, and its because of you I still cant look a guy in the eye...yet I just want to say goodbye
Goodbye the Spencer 3, true friends of you were never meant to be, you pretended to be my friends, you pretend you were part of my religion, yet behind my back you told so many rumors and lies, and its because of you 3 years I cried, but your all hurt inside for other reasons so I must let you go
Goodbye Jesse I'm never quite sure why you did what you did, you were a fat nerdy know it all korean, everyone hated you, yet for some reason I crushed on you, only to get hurt and teased in return, thank you for teaching me a lesson I still haven't learned...*once bitten twice shy*
Goodbye Jason and your awful friends, I wish you wouldn't have happend upon my life, once again bitten once again twice shy, was it a good laugh to pretend you liked me? What a cruel and sad man you must be yet I will let you go...
Goodbye Scott I hate to admit you were right, I hated you as my first step father and one who always wanted a fight...but you were right to keep dear Chloe there...mother obviously just doesn't I say goodbye to you...
Goodbye Paul I still to this minute truly hate you, I can't believe you almost became step father called the cops on me when you were the one who deserved to be hauled away, and for 2 long years you stayed in my house...but I will try to let you go...
Goodbye Mandy I'm still not sure what went through, why you wanted to hurt me is still something I wish I knew, why it was funny to tell me lies I'll never know, why it was such a laugh to say he liked me still hurts me so, your a hurt sad girl inside under those 260lbs you hide, your wound upon me is still fresh...yet I'll let you go...
Goodbye John what was true and what was I lie I'll never know, I'm sorry Mandy made me out as such a psycho, I did like you and somedays I still wonder if you ever really liked me, I just wish that you wouldn't have gone along with her cruel joke, Im not simple I know our relationship is broken for all time, yet the pain is still inside...I was only a nice girl wasn't I? Yet I'll try to let you go...
Goodbye Jenslee and Tristan, I don't really hate you, I just hate the way our parents do things, I wish you both well and I hope our divide will swell so we all can be free just like we wanted to be...
Goodbye those girls I see in the malls, the pretty ones hanging on their tall men, I sit there and silently curse all you stand for, yet I try to apologize with a blessing in my head as Silver said in what I read, maybe some of you deserve it maybe some don't, so to the ones who don't I apologize and I'm letting you go tonight...
Goodbye Mickey, Austin, Trevor, Billy you all never knew how I felt, its probably for the better that way who knows what would have become of I had the nerve to say how I felt? I shall never know...yet tonight I shall let you go...
Goodbye hurt, anger, sadness, and shame your all still here this very minute, still part of a big pain...Hurt by all these people, angry at their actions, sadness by my own ways, and shame of my body and how it stays...You'll all be here tell I'm a size 10 but until then I must try to let you go...
There I said goodbye...I let them out of my life tonight...yet who am I but just a lie to myself? Most of this pain still is here and someday it'll take someone who loves and cares many years to erase these pains...yet until then I guess I'm still just the same...
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .