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Your first time < WildBob >

  Author:  53284  Category:(Discussion) Created:(9/26/2003 10:06:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1106 times)

Hey! Get your mind out of the gutter. ;D Life is filled with firsts. First time you go to a dentist. First big vacation. First sweetheart. So, your assignment is to share one of the "Firsts" in your life.

Mine? you ask. The first day of school.

When I was a little under 5 years of age I had to go to school for the first time. My parents had not prepared me too much since I had an older brother. Pretty much, my mom just dropped me off at school one day. There had been quite a fuss making sure that I was dressed appropriately and had eaten a good breakfast.

My mom dropped me off and said that she would pick me up at 12:30 and showed me where I was supposed to wait for her. Sounded like a plan to me.

When I finally got into my classroom, much to my surprise, it looked like it would be a fun place to hang out for part of the day so I bought right into the program.

Soon, much to my dismay, a bully confronted me. He was a huge kid and severely socially deprived. On top of everything else if he didn't get his way, he would kick you in the shins with his oxford (hard soled) shoes. Man, he was a jerk.

Shortly before it was time to leave for the day I had had enough of his rude behavior. At that time we were making things out of clay. So I took a large blob of clay and through it at his head. Actually I did my best imitation of a pitcher and let go with a clay fastball. It caught him right smack in the middle of the forehead.

The teacher conveniently had her back to the class when this took place. Immediately, the bully broke into tears. You would have thought that I'd ripped his arm off or something.

The teacher started hugging the little devil until he quieted down. Then she asked "Who through this at William?"

I was expecting that the rest of the class would have had enough of this jerks behavior and would keep quiet. After all, I would never have snitched.

Much to my dismay, the whole class pointed right at me. I was flabbergasted. After all, I had been protecting their interests just as much as mine. I felt betrayed. None of the kids on my block would have ever betrayed me in such a despicable manor.

Next thing I know a bell rings and the teacher is telling everyone that it is time to leave, except for me. She is telling me that I have to stay after school. That was a new concept in my life.

I was polite, but I had to disagree with her. After all, my mother had told me to meet her at a specific spot as soon as school got out.

The teacher kept telling me that I had to stay. So, I immediately recognized that my mother over ruled someone that I hardly knew, so I made a break for the door. The rest of the class had already left but there were still a lot of kids in the hallway.

The teacher came after me, but I was able to slip through the crowd much faster than her. I got to the spot my mom told me to wait just before the teacher did. She was winded. Then my mom drove up. The teacher had me by the arm. My mom got out of the car and discussed the situation with the teacher.

Much to my shock and horror, my mom sided with the teacher. I felt betrayed again, this time by my own flesh and blood. Unfortunately, when your only five years old, you lack the verbal skills to adequately explain the circumstances of such a situation.

I still have that as a pretty vivid memory even 47 years afterwards.


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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 9/26/2003 10:14:00 AM  From Authorid: 12835    Gee, I thought you were older...  
Date: 9/26/2003 10:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 58611    LOL! You poor thing! That is too funny! My "first" experience that I will share is the first day of being married. My husband, the sweetheart that he is, looked at me and said " I don't care what you cook, as long as its not from a box!" I will never forget the feeling of pure doom that came over me, as in all of my 26 years at the time, I had never ever cooked anything unless it came from a box! LOL! So needless to say I attempted to learn how to cook real quick. Now 2 1/2 years later, I am getting pretty good at it, or, at least thats what he told me the other night! : )  
Date: 9/26/2003 10:17:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53284    St Pete, my kids think that I'm older than dirt. That's on a good day.

AR On a postive note, my wife hates my cooking, so I don't every have to cook. I do the dishes.
Date: 9/26/2003 10:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 60052    My most memorable first was about 2 days after I moved in with my father in TX. I was 10 years old and had been taken away from my mother, I lived in a foster home for 2 years before my father got custody. Anyway, I was a city girl, had never lived out on a farm. My step-mother told my father and I to go out and get some chicken for dinner. I eagerly ran out to the truck expecting a trip into town (which was about 40 miles away). Instead, my father grabbed me by the arm and led me to the backyard where I sadly and uncerimoniously learned where chicken comes from. (Up until that point I had never made the connection.) My father told me to catch a chicken, which I did rather quickly. He laid it on a stump, and picked up his old rusted axe. I screamed "Nooooo!!!!" and rescued the chicken in a panic. My father ordered me to bring it back, I let it go instead, and to my dismay the stupid thing flew right at my father's feet. (Apparently the chicken was more accepting of it's fate than I.) My father picked it up and did the unthinkable. I stood there crying, and called him a "chicken murderer". I refused to eat that night at all, and it took years for my taste for chicken to return. Quite a first for me, the first time I witnessed a Chickencide.  
Date: 9/26/2003 10:35:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53284    That would have been tramatic for me as well ToDieFor.
I always thought that chicken came from Safeway.
Date: 9/26/2003 11:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 59418    awwww *hugs*  
Date: 9/26/2003 11:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 16845    ok now that's really bad cause I can't remember my FIRST day of school! LOL  
Date: 9/26/2003 11:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 28848    I can remember most of my first day of school. I remember that a lot of kids were crying because their moms had to leave them there...lol! I didn't cry by-the-way..  
Date: 9/26/2003 11:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 53909    I can't even remember my first day of school. I only can remember one day in Kindergarten. A boy ran past me and accidently hit me and I started to cry. LOL!  
Date: 9/26/2003 11:45:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53284    LOL at PunkStarChick. You decked some poor guy in Kindergarten. That might have been his worst day...  
Date: 9/26/2003 11:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 50678    lol, do I have to get my mind out of the gutter.  
Date: 9/26/2003 11:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 13283    I remembered it . This guy named David was balling his eyes out . I had my eyes wide open the very first day . I had a very cute young teacher . She was nice ! Razzy aka  
Date: 9/26/2003 12:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 53427    I remember a little bit about my first day in kindergarten. I remember being scared to death. And I remember sitting at a table with some other kids (mostly boys). And they were talking about Pac-Man. At the time, I had never heard of Pac Man and they made him sound like he was some kind of real life super hero lol.  
Date: 9/26/2003 12:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 25756    Hmm..I have two, one is my first day of school and one is my first date, but I think I'll go with my first day of school. Actually I had been to preschool before, but I had never been to an all-day school and a school that I was actualy required to go to, so I was pretty scared. Plus, I had just moved to a new house and only knew one person (and she wasn't even going to be in my class!). By the time the bus came to the corner I was TERRIFIED! I did my best to hide behind my mom's legs, hoping that the bus wouldn't see me. Finally I was forced, crying, onto the bus and sat with two other girls. I cried the ENTIRE day...I was crying on the way back even. So that's my first day of school lol.  
Date: 9/26/2003 12:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 56293    Quite the interesting day!! My first day of school. We live about 1 and half blocks from the school and my mom had me, my younger brother and my sister who was just infant at the time. So she rounded us all up and the dog. She was walking me to school and once we got there she tied the chain around a pole and walked me in. . 3 minutes later...Guess who shows up!! My dog! And let me tell you what...This dog was HYPER and loved to destroy stuff. My mom started flipping out and was chasing the dog and then it ran outta my classroom into another. . . By the time everything was back to being under control, you could tell the teacher wasn't very happy. What a great first impression!  
Date: 9/26/2003 1:19:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53284    Great memories. I love Social Slackers start to school. Way to make a good impression! Nothing pleases a teacher more than having her classroom torn up on the first day. I'm still chuckeling.  
Date: 9/26/2003 3:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 54247    Good one and soooo true. At that time in your life, you don't tell everything. Thank you for sharing. RAT
Date: 9/26/2003 3:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 54247    OK, my first day of school. I was a visitor for the whole year. My mother had died, and I was living with Dad's aunt and was two months short of being old enough for 1st Grade. As Dad said, children could "visit" anytime. First day - no one in the class knew and I visited the whole year an did pass to 2d Grade. Loved School. RAT
Date: 9/26/2003 4:55:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53284    Well, I'm waiting for some more stories about "firsts" in your lives.  
Date: 9/26/2003 5:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    I think my mother had to be called to bring a clean pair of shorts. I'll let you guess why.  
Date: 9/26/2003 5:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 45948    I can remember my first day of school. I walked into the classroom and everything was fine until nap time, when someone came down from the office and said that my parents were there to check me out to go home. They had come and got me early because my grandfather, who was a truck driver, was in town but only for a few hours and he wanted to see me. Well, on the second day, the teacher announced nap time and I went over to the closet and got all my things and started out down the hall before she caught up with me. She asked where I was going and I told her that I don't take naps at school, I go home. It took her over a week to convince me that school was not over for me at naptime. I was sooooo mad. LOL. Love,  
Date: 9/26/2003 5:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 6915    Well, my first day at kindergarden was interesting to say the least. The day before, the parents and children went in for about 2 hours to sit and talk..learn what kindergarden was all about. So the second day, I was shocked to see my father walk out of the room. I ran crying to the door, right into the teachers arms. *caught* Anyways, the rest of the day is a blurr..Until bathroom time of course. Everyone lined up..and there's Laura ( thats me) in the coat rack gathering my thing. Thought it was time to go home!! LoL  
Date: 9/26/2003 9:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 49546    My first day of High School! Ah ..yes ..that was three years ago, and here I am on my last year of High School. I don't remember my first day specifically, like what happened exactly on that day. But ... i remebered (since i wear a uniform) wearing baggy pants and the school shirt being 2 sizes too big, Lol. So i looks hmm...Weird! hahah..my first class was Geography, and my teacher was quite boring. After that i had computers class then lunch , since and then english. Nothin that bad happened, i just remebered feeling like the little kid, being surrounded by all these seniors and juniors. But now i'm the senior! *sigh* memories ...sometimes i hate the fact that i'm growing up, and hating the fact that i'll need to get out there and live life! (Lol) ok ..enough of that...Great post!  
Date: 9/27/2003 7:26:00 AM  From Authorid: 60052    Here's another one of my firsts for ya. I was 13 years old and my father, step-mother, best friend (Megan) and I were travelling to the state fair which was about a 4 hour drive for us. We stopped at a truck stop for a potty break, while I was in the stall, Megan goes, "Hey, Heidi give me 75 cents" I ask what for, and she says it's for the vending machine. I assume she's gonna buy a snack. By the time I get out of the stall, she's holding a Trojan between two fingers 1/2 disgusted and 1/2 confused. She goes, "What's this?" I didn't know either, so I take it from her and go running out of the bathroom waving it over my head. There are about 15 other patrons in the store, and I yell "Mom! Dad! You gotta see this!" Needless to say, my parents were mortified, and after I learned what it was, was embarrassed beyond belief. To make matters worse, one of the waitresses from the restaurant area saw the whole thing, and being quite annoyed with me goes "If your parents had used one of those, I wouldn't be so annoyed right now, please leave! You are disturbing my customers."  
Date: 9/28/2003 1:27:00 AM  From Authorid: 48250    LOL@Bob... I Do Know what You Mean... I remember my first day this boy accosted me trying to kiss me.. I was never so embarrsed...Some of the older kids were even cheering him on.. me this shy quiet little girl....So this continued the rest of the day this boy trying to kiss me at break time, then lunch time... when I got home I devised a plan., this "disgusting little boy" (lol) would Never do this to me again! I Borrowed my Dad's Hair Comb, and put it the pocket of my denim jeans... he started again on the school bus..I took out the comb and gave his arm a Good raking (lol)...Needless to say he never bothered me again... The Christmas Plays at school were Hilarious as well....Take/Care......  
Date: 9/28/2003 1:32:00 AM  From Authorid: 48250    LOL @To Die For.., I'll bet that was Quite an Experience...I Once worked in a Ham Packaging and Processing Plant..., I Never Could Quite get Beyond the smell there, and every time I pass but there , the smell is ..well let's say Almost Overwhelming...T/C.....  
Date: 9/28/2003 3:26:00 AM  From Authorid: 48250    LOL @ To Die For....I would have been Floored!!! But had I been Your Mama I wouldn't have taken it none to gentle if Someone said that about my daughter, in regard to the... ummm, well You know...Regardless of The Customers' ....lol Have a Great Day!!...T/C...  

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