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A common mistake of Christians -- Mike

  Author:  13886  Category:(Religious) Created:(9/16/2003 11:52:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1320 times)

Here are two important verses for Christians everywhere. I myself was and still am to some extent making this mistake and it is a common one that many Christians do but should not! First I will present them and then I will elaborate on them. God is speaking to me on this and wants me to get it out and this is how it came out.

Matthew 6:24 NIV - No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

Money can also apply to any other lust or corrupt way of the world. Replace money with whatever you like.

Hebrew 6 4-7 NIV - It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.

Here's what this is saying. Jesus died for your sins. By God's grace he let his son die to take away our sins! You don't earn God's grace. It is a gift. By having Jesus in our lives and turning our backs on him, we are rejecting God's Grace which we asked for in the beginning by asking Jesus into our lives! We are rejecting the lord's gift of setting us free from sin. That's like getting a really nice christmas present from your favorite relative or a good friend and really enjoying it for a while then sending it back to them in a couple months. Would you do that to your favorite relative or a good friend? No! Then why would you do it to God? Here, let me elaborate further.

The lord has set me free from sin yet I keep indulging sin. Picture this parable. There are two slavemasters: a kind one and an evil one. The evil one was rotten to you. He abused you, tortured you, made you depressed and feel terrible. He worked you hard and punished you severely if you did anything wrong. He threw wild parties which gave you a temporary sense of satisfaction. Then after the fun is over its back to his abuse. He promises to eventually kill you when he's done with you. Then you found the kind slavemaster. He displayed love, gentleness, kindness and his full support. He urged you on kindly. If you made a mistake every once in a while it was okay. He'd show you how to avoid that in the future and his patience was endless. He doesn't approve of partying. He's such a great guy that you feel more joy working for him than you did at the evil slavemasters' parties. He promises you a great inheritance if you serve him. But for some strange reason some part of you is tiring of the work of the kind slavemaster and longs for the parties of the evil slavemaster. So you sneak out and sign back up for the abuse just so you can partake in his parties. The kind slavemaster keeps coming back to you asking you to come back. While that good part inside wants to, you keep taking the abuse and you choose to ignore the kind slavemaster. You would prefer to enjoy the evil slavemaster's parties than to work for the kind slavemaster even in light of the abuse. Then one day you have a change of heart. You feel guilty and you decide to go back to the kind slavemaster and work for him again. He reminds you of all the times he asked for you to come back to work for him and how you ignored him. He tells you he's sorry, he tried but you wouldn't listen. It's too late, your stuck with the evil slavemaster.

So the point of this folks is that God has set us free from sin. It's okay if we slip up every once in a while. That's what Christ died for. So many people choose to hear God's word but not live it. The bible clearly tells us light and darkness can not exist together. You can't serve both God and Satan. So don't fall away from the lord and if you're falling away repent and make sure you change your evil ways! If you fall away from the Lord's grace and you fail to see any wrongdoing or repent your sins, you have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit and Jesus will not forgive you. So diligently seek Jesus and always ask him to bring to light what you've done wrong so that you may repent and live a lifestyle that God can be proud of! Don't worry though, seek God but at the same time be patient and take your time. You don't have to put away everything right away. That's impossible and will only lead to failure and depression. That's another way of rejecting God's grace. By worrying and trying to change to much you're preventing him from changing you. Instead ask the Lord to help you so you can grow in him. Wait and listen. Pray and read the Bible diligently. The Lord will send messages your way that are related to what you're going through. I know. I've been going through the same thing. I put away everything and realized my mistake. It works but you have to take your time. Don't listen to feelings in your heart or voices in your mind. Such things will deceive you. That's how the enemy will attack you. He'll tell you you're making a mistake and your worthless in the eyes of the Lord. He will tear you down and further increase your depression. The Lord will reach you through scriptures and messages from fellow Christians. Which brings me to the most important lesson. You cannot be a successful Christian without fellowship. A Christian cannot live separated from the body of Christ (which is made up of other Christians). A person apart from the body of Christ withers and dies. He's setting himself up for sure failure. So invest some time and effort into the Lord. Go to church and try to involve yourself in as many activities within the church as possible. After all, you reap what you sow. What you put into God is what you get out of God. God bless you everybody and may you take this message to heart so that you do not fall away from the Grace of God!

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 9/17/2003 11:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Great words of inspiration. Thanks for sharing them.   
Date: 9/18/2003 7:00:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 13886    I can't take credit for what comes from the Lord. Glad it inspired you.   
Date: 9/19/2003 10:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Very true but you can take the credit for sharing it.   
Date: 9/21/2003 9:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Very good post. The lord gave you these words but you had a choice to share or not. I'm glad you did.  
Date: 9/22/2003 12:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 48809    Mike, I am glad that you are sharing these words too... except when I say that God's angels says this or that ... I am accused by the Christians of consorting with so-called "demons and devils!" Would you please explain?  
Date: 9/22/2003 3:05:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 13886    Well, you see, you can't talk to God's angels directly. If you try to reach God or any of his angels except through Jesus Christ all your getting is demons. In the bible Jesus says You cannot come to the Father (God) but through me. So if you cannot come to even God without first asking Jesus then how could you come to Angels without first coming through Jesus? So you see, Angels aren't allowed to talk to people, and they wouldn't disobey God. So when you say you are talking to Angels, you are really talking to fallen angels. The bible clearly states that trying to contact any spirit other than Jesus or God through Jesus and by any methods other than prayer is dealing with the occult and is strictly forbidden by God. If God is forbidding you to do this, then why would you be allowed to speak with his angels in this way? Why would you want to talk to Angels anyhow when you could talk to God, your creator, the creator of everything? After all, he created you. He knows you more than you know yourself. He knows everything that ever happened to you and everything that ever will happen to you. He knows all your memories, thoughts, concerns, and needs that you have ever had and ever will have. He knows what you should and shouldn't do! How much better it is to talk to God than it is to talk to Angels, who know little to nothing about you! Then considering real angels know much more than the fallen ones do, and don't mix truth with lies, how much greater God is than the fallen angels!  
Date: 9/22/2003 6:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 48809    Uh sorry , but you are way off base Mike. I CAN and DO talk to the angels and have done this for some time. You are apparently unaware that these angels are God's helpers that are assigned to us from the moment of our birth for our benefit!Yes, we many times do speak to God, but we also use our angels too. I do not communicate with any so-called fallen angels , or mythical "devils or demons" of any kind... in fact, I have never seen any such beings as you speak of! It is totally unnecessary to go through Jesus to reach anyone on the other side , much less the angels. I know what the Bible says , but as I have said before the Bible has been changed many times and so is not a reliable source of information. I have seen the angel's and I have seen the loved ones who have passed on and who have come back to let us know that they are still alive and once more in perfect health!Why do you believe that those of us who communicate with God's angels can only reach what you call "demons and devils" but what spirit says are those beings who once lived upon the earth and are now through past misdeeds living in the dark realms! These were once human beings like anyone else ... but whose deeds while on the earth were so foul that there bodies have taken on a hideous form to match their thoughts and deeds! I do not wish to argue with you because I know this is not a debate , but you really are misinformed if you believe that we cannot talk to angels directly, because you see I do it all the time and they have healed me of many things and brought many good things into my life. Do you think it is likely that someone who you believe to be a fallen angel or "devil or demon" would do these wonderful things for us?  
Date: 9/23/2003 2:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 54111    Great post,  
Date: 9/23/2003 10:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Mike you stated the christian belief quiet well. AND when someone that states to be a christian carries on about the bible NOT being a relible source, then you have to know they have been talking and listing to the wrong angels, aka spirits. AND of course posey and I have been through this many times but the reason they would do good things for people is so that they are welcomed in to ones life and as you can see and take control so that eventually a person wont even believe the word of God. BUT this is not in debate so I will end my comments here. Hopefully posey will remember that this section is also for sharing what one believes in and not attacking.  
Date: 9/24/2003 8:23:00 AM  From Authorid: 48809    FB why is it allright for Christians to state their beliefs here but someone who is NOT a Christian to state what they believe. I have my own religion and beliefs just as you do. I know that you think I am a Christian because I have seen you state this on the board before... however , hopefully you will correct your error because it is not true. Please do not come back and say that I told you I am a Christian because I did not! This is something that you assumed . In order to be a Christian I was taught when I was a child that we were to worship Jesus as God and that we were also to believe that Jesus died to save us from our sins and that "all we have to do is believe this " to get into heaven" etc. I don't believe any of this so obviously I cannot be a Christian! I know what spirit says( when I mention spirit, this includes the angels who come from God also) and this is how I try to live my life. I asked Mike why it is that when he or any Christian communicates with those on the other side they are only receiving from God ...however when the rest of us communicate with the other side then we are accused of consorting with so called "devils and demons?" As you see, no Christian can ever answer this question. As you said too and I know... this subject is not in debate and it was never meant to be... I only asked a simple question which begs a simple answer. The one you gave about "demons" being welcomed into someone's life so that in time they will not even believe in God is at best a poor and unsatisfactory answer ... because if this were true... why would these "beings" keep on doing such wonderful things in my life over a period of 35 years ... this does NOT ring true or fit in to the picture that the Christians have painted of "Satan" over the years.  
Date: 9/29/2003 9:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 51163    I believe Christians can talk to holy angels. They are ministering spirits sent from God. Gabriel talked to the virgin Mary about the divine conception she was about to recieve. But I think the point here is knowing who you are talking to. The Bible says that not all spirits are come from God, and to test them. All spirits, or angels, that acknowledge Jesus Christ has come in the flesh are from and of God. If they do not acknowledge this, have nothing to do with them! These are evil spirits and fallen angels, also refered to as demons. They are decievers, and will masquerade as angels of light in order to destroy people by any means necessary.

-TC Mike

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