IS THERE A PSYCOLOGIST IN THE HOUSE?cuz i need one LOL.I dont know why Im making a post on flies.....but what the hey.....Im bored out of my mind so I figured why not ask about the thing that has been bugging me lately.....CUZ......I CANT TAKE IT see it has been raining here alot this summer.....and with all the rain comes flies and mosquitoes.......the main thing that gets me right now is FLIES! I hate them I cant stand them, they totally aggrivate the living aaaarrrrrrrgggggggggg out me. I wanna know......................... why do flies always fly on your head when your trying to sleep? I try to sleep and the dang things bzzzz bzzzzz....right in my ear. its like they know exactly where to get you the most aggrivated. ya know Ill be watching tv, and it has to land right on the back and forth itll stroll.that little annoyaing freak with wings, just sits wont land on anything else until the tv is off.and ohhhhh, of course its little fly friends will join him on the tv....why do they do that?whats wrong with them?they demented or sumptim? I just their wings off and let them sit there on their backs with their legs going crazy..muahahaha,why do flies think if you open the is an open invitation to stay at your house. it is bad enough having my man here,( he might as well be one of them flies, cuz ya gotta swat him away too, hehehehe) let alone walk in they fly in.....and its not just one, noooooooooooo, they have friends with 50 of the come I know i didnt see a swarm of flies at my door, so where do they come from.and they have a whole maternity ward in the kitchen by the time you wake up!...where do they come from.....I ran out of bug spray so theres me standing near the window waiting for them to land, so I can squish the living daylights out of them onto my window.I tried swatting them in the air, but I got so mad, I threw the paper at them....yeah like thatll work right?Im an idiot swinging in the kitchen.....sweating bullets. yeah and the best remedy I had was to hairspray my window sill..... I used a whole can of the 80's gunk my sis used to put into her hair, auqua net...remember that stuff, it would hold a persons hair four feet high in a pouring rain storm!well.....I got a better use for it....the ultimate fly killer.......spray and they stay!here ya trash ya can look out that window allllllll day.....cuz ya aint going no where....muahahaha....I could pick them off my window and make them into jewerly...they did that with that tree sap they call amber....make a bug into jewelry....hey usm mall I got a new product for yuz...hairbears fly rings, and necklaces...muahahaha I also want to know why........ why do the have to land right in the middle of your forehead.....only heaven knows that one...they fly and land, and take off when ya swat at them, than they come back, and try to land on your ear...ya swat, they back on your forehead.....what do I have a landing pad marked on my face.......get the heck away from me.....I have a helopad on my face did you know that....thats what they think, its like they are programmed to do this.....I think the govt. invented flies.its a form of brainwashing to make us go crazy or something...when your asleep how many times have you batted yourself on your own head to kill one....... why do flies follow you.......... like a stalker they follow you thru the house....sometimes if you smart enough and quick enough you can outwit them........ you make them think your just going into another room, and hurry up and scoot out the back door......muahahaha....sometime they follow you outside, so you try to get back in but they get in there before you....imagine what would happen if they could lock the door and lock us out....they would be stuck to the window sticking their tongues out at us...... and how come flies always land in you drinks and die when you are sleeping or in the middle of doing something? like you turn to do something quick and maybe take a little longer than expected, so when you go to take a drink without looking theres a fly in it?or you take a drink to bed, and you may not think there are flies in the house, and take a sip in the dark, and ewwwwwwwwww, theres a fly in come flies are smart enough to fly away from smoke and stuff, but they are too darn stupid to gbroiled in the oven>.....flies are like mice, if ya have one.......they take over your house in the morning?where do they come there something I dont know about......was there a party I wasnt invited I an outcast even in the insect world?I tried everything...I dumped draino down the drain thinking maybe they came from the drain for some reason.....I bombed the house.....just in kitchen is clean as can be........but there they are......maybe someone lets them in they like yell hey flies come to hairbears house.....come bother her.....wake her up.....hey ya can get stuck in her hair(I dont know how that happened but I had a fly stuck in my hair, but then again my neighbors lab got stuck in it too....dont ask).......but I hate flies.....I didnt get any mosquitoes in my house except for on.....theres a shoe pring on the wall, cuz I got that thing with my shoe....I was so happy......I was do ya like me now? muahahaha...whos your mommy.....die you blah blah blah, couldnt have been any deader...................... I BLAME ALL THIS RAIN! wont stop and when it does they hatch from everywhere........and FOLLOW ME INTO MY HOUSE!......I calling the police because they are harrassing me, with the intent of severe mental anxiety....Im calling my laywer hehe.......I CANT TAKE IT....hey ya know I caught one and tied a strand of hair around it.......hehehehehehe...I got about 4 feet of it hanging off my head, so he had about four feet of flying space......muahahahahahahahasee how he liked not being able to go anywhere...... (LOL this is what being bored and tired gets ya.....posts like this LOL) but why do they do that? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 16164 ( Click here )
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