“Michael? What do you mean Juleset?” “You see, you may think that he can stay here because he is half fairy as well and not just human. But you have to understand humans, half or not, must not live within the fairies. Many problems can arise from this. Even if you do trust this Michael, no man, should ever be trusted. Tis already too much that Julius from the Green Forest attacked this place. Humans Elias, he must leave this place and never come back to it.”
“But Juleset, I dare not question what you tell me, but how will we keep Michael from telling others about this place?”
“Well, once he is gone, you must move again and of course not let Michael know where your heading off to. Afterwards if he ever speaks of ‘fairies’ he will never be able to prove it because we will no longer be close enough.”
“It is not through my will that I will do this, but for the safety and well being of my people…Isis…” “Yes, I’m aware of the relationship they hold. Tis a very grand one they hold indeed. We must let her know of this, she must make a decision.”
Elias looked around, he dared not to break his daughters heart. But it was the thing to do, not only for his family, but the well being of his people. Juleset suddenly came to a stop and held Elias’s hand. “We must tell her now Elias.”
Back in the palace, Isis and Daisy sat next to the chimney sharing stories of Juleset. “One time in a small town of fairies, a huge fire monster came from the mountains, destroying everything and anyone in its path.”
“Oh no!” Daisy said gasping. “…keep going Isis.”
“Well, after days of destruction and blood, Juleset, who happened to be a young girl at the time, ran into the palace where the king wept in anguish, not capable of doing anything to save his people. The king asked the little girl what he could do to help, tears flowing from his eyes, and she replied ‘ I want to help’. The king took Juleset and sat her on his lap. Juleset noticed the king was wounded and wrapped his wound with her small white robe. As the king slowly died, he could sense her purity and good will to help others, and blessed her with the magic above all fairies. The king died sadly, and Juleset set out to find the grand monster!”
“She’s so brave.” Daisy said. “Yes, she really is. Well, as she set out on her journey to find the terrifying monster, she saw flames from behind tall hills. She set out to the mountains and found the monster their, burning down small huts. Juleset bravely stood before the monster and commanded him to leave. She said ‘you horrible monster who kill many innocent for your own pleasure, you must leave this place at once or I will be forced to destroy you’ . Of course the monster laughed. ‘you silly little girl’ he said ‘ your so tiny, and I’m far larger and powerful then you, tell me now, how do you plan to destroy me?’ No one knows exactly what happened, but within minutes, the cries and pleading of the horrible monster were heard across the land, and he was not heard of…”
Isis was interrupted by the sound of voices coming from the front door. “Isis? Where are you? I wish to speak to you at once.” Elias said. Isis noticed her father seemed a bit nervous and worried at the same time.
“Father? Whats wrong?” “All will be said soon.” “Daisy I’ll be right back. Why don’t you go play in the garden for awhile.” “Ok Isis!” Daisy said. “But you still have to tell me what happens in the end!” “Of course Daisy, go and play now.” Elias and Juleset walked into the room and sat near the chimney. “Wheres Jacob?” “He walked out to town to pick up some fresh baked bread.” “Very well, and Michael?” You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 36994 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .