My dad was born in 1937 in rural North Carolina, and grew up farming, and logging with his dad. When he was around 20 yrs old, he went to help an old farmer raise tobacco on his property. Near the field was an old barn, which was reputed to be haunted, though dad was skeptical. Story was that during the Civil War, a union soldier was hiding out in the barn, and was discovered by a confederate soldier. The guy begged for his life, saying he had a wife and three children, but the Reb had no mercy and shot him ,anyway. Since that time, heavy chains could be heard rattling in the barn, so loud no one could deny 'something' wasnt right. While working the fields, my dad heard it too, and refused to work there alone, even in daylight! Eventually, the farmer tore the barn down, and Burnt the remaining logs, but the chains continued to rattle in the same spot. I've never been there,but from what my dad say's, I dont really want to go! It made a 'believer' out of him, as he put it, and my dad has never been given to tall tales or folklore. Darlene You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62357 ( Click here )
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