I had the most amazing/strange dream last night, I could almost swear it was real. I dreamt that I was at home with my parents in the living room. An angel (male) appeared before us and told us he had come to us from Heaven with a gift.
We had never seen anyone from the "other side" appear before us. Anyway, he told us that sometime soon, we would be given the gift of angel's wings that we could only use for a short time on earth. He stated that the only time we could use the wings was up to him, and we had to do good deeds and be kind to all people and animals to get our chance to use the angel's wings.
We got excited and lived our lives doing good deeds, opening doors for strangers, and trying to live an honest good life. Before he left, the angel told us that he would be watching over us and we would not see him when our gift appeared, but we would know when we received the gift because we would feel different.
A few days later (still in the dream) I felt a tingling sensation all over my body and it felt like someone had just given me an intense amount of energy. I looked behind me and I had my wings!!
I lifted my arms in the air and my body was more like a spirit, it could pass through walls and ceilings. I reached for the sky and flew to far off distant places, over oceans, and mountains, and it was the most beautiful scenery I'd ever seen. As I was flying I heard the most beautiful music. I felt like someone had given me a new body. I felt lightweight and carefree and intensly happy.
Awhile later, I heard a voice tell me that it was time to go home and the next thing I knew I was back at home (still in my dream). I was a bit disappointed. I felt like I was being watched and I somehow sensed that the angel was with me. I thought that I could sense him there, and he answered me telepathically that yes, he was there, behind me to my right.
He stated that he was glad I enjoyed my experience being able to fly, but that he had to go and give the same gift to other deserving people who had lived a good life and that he may come back to visit me in the future.
And then I woke up. How it changed my life:It made me believe in the afterlife even more than I already do. The dream was so intense I'd almost swear it was real! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 6358 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .