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Housework Gives Men Sex Appeal

  Author:  48525  Category:(News) Created:(8/30/2003 12:48:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1165 times)

By Sarah Womack The Telegraph - UK 8-30-03

LONDON -- Children benefit from seeing their fathers help around the house and women find men more attractive if they pick up a duster, researchers have found. A study says children who do their share of cleaning with their fathers are likely to be better adjusted and more socially aware because they learn "democratic values" at an early age. Researchers at the University of California studied the results of a national survey of 3563 children and their parents.

Unsurprisingly, men did less housework than women, but the study found they were taking on tasks such as shopping and picking up children from school as well as some cooking and cleaning.

Men also spent more time around their children than in previous generations - about three hours on a Saturday or Sunday. University of California sociologist Scott Coltrane, who led the research, said: "When men perform domestic service for others, it teaches children co-operation and democratic family values."

Dr John Gottman, of the University of Washington in Seattle, said if men shared the tasks, women felt less stressed about balancing the demands of work and home. They also saw their partner's assistance as a sign of love and therefore felt more sexually attracted to them. In Britain, however, therapists claim to have identified a new condition, named Atlas Syndrome - after the Greek god who supported the sky on his shoulders - which afflicts men who hold down demanding jobs while trying to be perfect parents.

The term was coined by Dr Tim Cantopher, a medical director at Priory Clinic, the hospital favoured by celebrities needing treatment for addictions. He said it struck men who were trying to "work the unworkable", adding: "It's a modern condition caused by social and political changes affecting the role of men."

Jack O'Sullivan, co-founder of Fathers Direct and editor of Dad magazine, said this generation of fathers was living out a huge social change. "They're working just as hard but at the same time they're committed to doing a great deal more at home so they are inevitably stressed out."

Copyright © 2003 The Age Company Ltd


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Date: 8/30/2003 2:32:00 AM  From Authorid: 62104    Interesting post, it sure makes it nice to have help around the house, but I know it'll be quite some time still until the work is shared equaly by both persons amongst most families. I do agree that the men have quite some stress when it is them usually, who hold down the more money-making job and then have to come home and help out too when thy're tired but in alot of cases these days it is the woman too who juggles work and family duties. It is deffinetly hard on both and when stress arises, the kids suffer too. In a perfect world no one would need to work so hard to support a family, and there would be more time spent looking after yourself and your family. But getting back to the point of your story, I would also agree that men have more appeal when doing housework, it shows their sensitive, caring side and ability to take charge.  
Date: 8/30/2003 2:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 13636    yea...men who clean NEED to apply here.....just no French Maids costumes please....  
Date: 8/30/2003 3:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 62116    While I agree with the opinion that men sharing in the housework benefits children, I don't feel a significant amount of stress from helping around the house. Although I'm the only one working right now, I still feel that I should help around the house when necessary, too. My daughter is going on 2 years old and she's just starting to learn how to help out with the household chores and it's an absolute joy for me to watch her learn and try to help us with the everyday things that must be done. I see nothing stressful about that. If anything, it helps me forget about work for a while and concentrate on more important things. I find it more than just a little ironic that this new "condition" happened to surface in a clinic frequented by celebrities. If you paid me enough, I could find a clinical term to excuse people from every responsibility they ever encountered. ~Nytwolf~  
Date: 8/30/2003 7:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 57222    What they said... lol... yeah I think it'd be more attractive if a man helped... I mean... him in a wife-beatre so he doesn't get hot... ya know *wink wink* lol  
Date: 8/30/2003 7:54:00 AM  From Authorid: 21867    ...shhhh...you'll let all men know the secret only a few guys have been putting into practise for ages. I'll tell ya what...I know how to cook, to mend clothes, to clean, spot removal, the whole nine yards...as well as home maintanence, vehicle repair, yard work and all those other stereotypical 'male jobs'. Most guys when they want to do something special for their lady to maybe...err...get her 'in the mood' tend to buy things or try too hard to be romantic, particularily when its out of character. However, if the guys just cleaned the house, vaccumed, had the laundry done and dinner in the oven for when their woman comes home...booyaah...'nuff said Peace,  
Date: 8/30/2003 8:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 32070    Agent Smith is a WISE man........  
Date: 8/30/2003 8:54:00 AM  From Authorid: 32070    As for the editor of Dads magazine. So what. Women have been doing that for AGES ( working and coming home and taking care of the household) This post kind of reminds me of a joke a friend sent me in e-mail yesterday. Has one of them signs that says CAUTION Men at work. Then says women have to work all the time. Men have to put up signs when they do it...lol...  
Date: 8/30/2003 11:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 47162    This is a load if I ever saw one! Girls are not initially attracted to guys because they do effeminate stuff like keep their surroundings dainty and clean. Women want men to be men, that's what attracts them. Maybe after marriage, when the woman tries to change her man into a femanized male, maybe then the whole housework thing is true.  
Date: 8/30/2003 12:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 13969    Well by golly...Ladies, get out the brooms and cleaning solutions and get your husbands in shape.  
Date: 8/30/2003 1:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 53961    There's just something about a man with a broom in his hands that really gets me. LOL! And... one with a dirty diaper gets my vote, hands down!  
Date: 8/30/2003 4:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    R1: Cleaning is effeminate?? No dude...cleaning and maintaining your surroundings is simply a required part of life. Its not a female thing, its not a male thing, its a HUMAN thing. Unless of course you a)Have no house to clean, b)prefer to live in a mess or c)are a complete lazy slob. Peace,  
Date: 8/30/2003 6:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 46069    watching a man clean my house sure gets me hot... my hubby does it.... now if i could just get him to do it nekkid  
Date: 8/30/2003 7:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 7341    My husband is a total clean freak...makes life so wonderful for me! Nothing sexier than a man who cleans!!!!  
Date: 8/31/2003 6:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 10915    Oh yeah! Baby, take out the trash. Clean the kitchen and the bathroom. Oh how you turn me on. LOL  
Date: 8/31/2003 3:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 13636    I love a man that can clean the house.....AND be covered in grease and oil from something mechanical. Oh yea.....(hey Agent Smith....how old are you?! and what are you doing later. *winks*)  
Date: 9/8/2003 7:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 62339    I think this whole "Atlas Syndrom" is a bunch of BS. Womens roles have changed more then mens when it comes to balancing a career and good home life and women have no problem with it so why would men? I think men that don't help with the housework are extremely immature. I am a teenager and hate doing chores but I help my parents because it is the responsible thing to do. I hate doing the dishes but I still like to help out and do my part for my parents. Unfortunately, our society has way to many gender roles and double standards. Most men work to much and do not spend enough time with their famillies wich causes relationship problems between them and their children. And I agree with you Agent Smith. But Resilientone, are you a girl or a guy? I as a female would love to have a man that can cook and would clean for me. I wouldn't mind cleaning (as long as it isn't laundry) but I hate cooking and still can't even make scrambled eggs. What you wrote was so funny RI. lol, of course women don't want men that keep their surroundings "dainty and clean". Nope, we want a man that only wears dirty clothes out of fear of the washing machines, eats off of pater plates out of fear of the dishwasher, and has black carpet to hide stains and crumbs out of fear of the noisy vaccum cleaner. That's the kind of mans man we are attracted to! And while it is a fact that men and women have evolved different specialities to help us survive, it isn't the cavman days anymore so we don't need to rely on those man/women survival skills.
Date: 9/9/2003 12:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 32070    R1,,,I don't know how old you are. But when I go to a guys place ( even as just a friend) and I see he keeps his place CLEAN ( don't have to be dainty) I think there's a man worth getting to know better, and especially if I have designs on him, so to speak. But If I go there and the place is crusty, the first thing that comes to mind is no dang wonder he's still single...:P.....I do think you can learn a lot from Agent Smith about women. .....  

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