"These are good eggs."
"A brother?! A brother?!! Man Be..Zen. You could've told us. We would've like to have known. And come on, he's brother, how could you treat him like that. He's family!" Screamed Paul, very frazzled.
"I know, It's wrong. But still, killing him would make it worse. I must make amends, and crush his empire. But still making amends is more important."
"Great eggs."
"Don't give me that," Paul demanded,"You'll go there and make amends. Then we'll throw him out of office."
"No. I'm considered a politician. I don't have the heart."
"I love these eggs."
The tension was so thick in the room you could cut with a knife and serve it for dinner. Paul was beat red with anger. He couldn't stand it any longer.
"I'm gonna be taking thirds of these things. Such great eggs."
"You know wha.......who keeps saying that?" Paul said.
He whirled around. Then looked to his left, then the right, then whirled around again. He couldn't see anyone, unfamilar. Zen was the only one that spotted the man in the corner, eating eggs.
"Good God. It's Byron. My brother's right-hand man, his second in command, his patsy, his puppet, his...."
"Enough," the stranger interuppted,"Zen, if you didn't make usch glorious eggs, I'd destroy you. But I don't have to do that. Your deadline is past, your brother's sick of waiting. He sent me down here to get you. I see you've made some new friends, very nice. They'll come too. This plan will work our better with more hosta... visitors."
"We're longtime frends, thank you very much." Jen said.
"Really. Well Zen's longtime friends are going to very uncomfrtable for a few weeks, I assume. If you're willing to come quietly, there will be no trouble. If not, well, I'll just say you'll wish you had."
The tension grew thick enough to choke on. In fact, Ryan almost did. He couldn't stand awkwardness of any sort. There was a rustling noise coming from outside. Faint voices could be heard. Thrash sniffed the air and picked up his club. He followed the scent to the front door. He stopped and put an ear to the door.
"Sir," he called to Zen,"grab something large that you can swing. We've got a little problem."
Thrash tip-toes the window and pulled the curtain back with a finger. Outside stood a brigade of at least fifty Jenicial soldiers, armed and ready to fight. Jenicial soldiers are the fiercest and deadliest warriors on the new Earth, and n command of the president.
"From your conversation, I here you want to stop your brother, but you can't kill him. Well I think that once the enslavement starts, there will be no other way. Looks like your in a bit of a catch-22. Well, it's time to go. Come now, unless you want them to take you."
Zen went into the kitchen and came back with a tall staff, made from a hickory branch. He clasped in his hands and glared at Byron. Byron turned and walked to the door. He opened it and gave the very non-chalant signal of attack to the brigade. He walked back to the dining room. Zen stood poised and ready, glaring a glare that could burn through wall.` You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 43592 ( Click here )
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