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An answer for alien and demon encounters?

  Author:  36704  Category:(Discussion) Created:(8/13/2003 4:57:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1315 times)

Hypnagogic hallucinations are when the motor cortex in the brain is shut off and the mind begins to dream, but the person is still conscious. They occur a lot with narcoleptics but can also occur in people without narcolepsy who are sleep deprived or under some type of stress. The person is in a dream state but still aware of their surroundings. The dream seems very realistic since the person is still in a conscious state and the dream is occuring in the room the person is in. Many Dr.s believe that a lot of alien encounters and demon or ghost encounters are hypnagogic hallucinations.

Most alien abductions occur according to the person as they are falling asleep or waking up, the same with many demon and ghost encounters. The person will swear up and down that what they saw was real because it was in the room with them or outside the window. Hypnagogic hallucinations are almost always frightening whether the person encounters a being or not, many are just the person in some way being in danger. People have also been known to be harmed during these hallucinations from thrashing around or running out of a room trying to fight the dream.

I think this is a pretty good explanation for what most people see. Why do the majority of alien encounters, demons, ghosts, etc happen when the person is in bed? There are also hypnopompic hallucinations which happen while the person is waking up, it is basically the same thing, part of the brain is conscious and part is still asleep.

Do you think these hallucinations are responsible for many paranormal encounters?

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 8/13/2003 5:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 18155    Since ghosts were brought up, I thought I'd comment.As to most "ghostly encounters" taking place while a person/persons are in bed, actually, most documented instances take place when the reporting party is fully awake, many times out of the house, and often in the company of others, who are also awake and out of bed. "Mass hallucinations" or "mass hysteria",might work in some cases but based on personal experiences, I can attest to the fact I was not "hallucinating" nor, I assume, were the people around me that saw the same thing.Good try.  
Date: 8/13/2003 6:08:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36704    Ghosts I would agree with you on since many people do seem to have the encounters while they are wide awake and many times there are several witnesses. Demons and aliens, are usually at night and without witnesses.  
Date: 8/13/2003 8:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Base, ,I can tell you many stories about demon activity in the day time, with lots of witnesses. So I dont think this is the answer, but will have to talk about it in the morning while having coffee, as I have a nasty headach.  
Date: 8/13/2003 9:04:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36704    You've seen a demon Firstborn, not a demonic possession but an actual demon in some type of form. Hope ya feel better.  
Date: 8/14/2003 8:17:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    Head is feeling a little better this morning. I was born with wry neck, they call it something else nowdays torcillis or something like that, but sometimes it gets in like a glitch and the headachs get awful. Anyway yes, I've seen several demons. Not all look alike and not all come in perfect manifestation such as a body would look. One looked just like a little four foot monkey type thing with red eyes. The other was just horrible. It had longish hair like a woman, its hands were more like paws with hair on it, and its face was all crater like. It scared the heck of me and my daughter. Most of the time one will see them in shapes, not clear physical bodies, but some are grayish in color, or almost so black and dark that they blend in with the night. Some have actually appeared looking almost human. One looked like an old man from the early 1800's, except its eyes were so red and I swear on a stack of bibles, that one actually looked werewolfish it was almost nine feet tall and howled. The thing is I started seeing stuff since I was eight years old. Its not something I choose to see. It all started happening after my grandmother made me get baptised in the mormon church. Read my testamony in the religion section and perhaps you will see one of the reason why I came to God and believe in the word of God and Jesus. I have to make the hubby some breakfast, be back later.  
Date: 8/14/2003 8:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 15394    because you have many type of encounters listed, I would have to ask about the groups or pairs of people that see or experience something at the same time ?? are they mass hallucinations?? interesting theory!  
Date: 8/14/2003 9:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 54987    I think that may be true. I have heard that theory before and, I must admit, it sounds good to me. However, I think there are paranormal occurences that can't be explained away by that theory. There has been a lot of research into this area by sane and serious researchers and scientists. The military used psychics as remote viewers. They claim to have stopped using this method, but others claim that it is still going on.  
Date: 8/14/2003 10:00:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36704    I'll go check out your stories FB then come back  
Date: 8/14/2003 10:04:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36704    I'm not talking about encounters that have multiple witnesses Jungabel. More about the ones where people have them in bed at night or while falling asleep somewhere. Most people who claim alien abduction there aren't witnesses and most people who claim to have seen an alien don't have other witnesses. I don't think this theory can explain every encounter but I think it explains a lot of them.  
Date: 8/14/2003 10:05:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36704    I've seen some of the statistics of psychics being used by the military and unless the reports were falsified the psychics didn't do too well.  
Date: 8/14/2003 12:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Koolade, I think they are still going on, now what progress they make I dont know. Lots of people would say that ghost, demons, or aliens or what ever one wants to call them, is made up in our minds. I don't believe that, simply because I for one sure would not want to see them, didn't want to see them. Why some can see and others cant, well I dont have the answer to that either. Maybe it does go back to something in the brain, that triggers their six sense a little more. I do know that as far as astro projection goes, or out of body experiences, usually it does happen between a state of wakefullness and sleep. I believe that the supernatural forces involved, know that this is when our will is the weakest. I know of people that can just lay down and allow their spirit to take them to other places. This happened to me once and not because I was trying to make it happen, or even thinking about it. But I was laying on my bed praying for my great neice that had been in an auto accident. She was in Utah going in for surgery for a mass of blood behind her eye. She was four. As I lay there praying for her, I could see me in her hospital room ,putting my hand on her head and praying for a safe operation and a speedy recovery. I didnt think anymore about it until about six months later when we went from texas to Utah for a family get together. My sister was showing me pictures of my neice taken in the hospital and she started to laugh. I said what. She said, courtney can't remember any of us being with her in the beginning of her hospital stay, but says that aunt debbie was there and had her hand on my head praying to Jesus for me. Now I guess that I had to have been there as her family isnt religouse and where would she have got such a notion? I never spoke to it to anyone, let alone the little girl. But I'm the only one she remembers being there with her.  
Date: 8/14/2003 4:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    That's a wonderful story FB. I know I am one for hard facts, but I cannot turn away from the fact that paranormal occurrences happened to me. I cannot justify them, but I wasn't asleep I was fully awake. As to the remote viewing by the military...yes I feel sure that it still goes on... the experiments I mean. I would give out the story that they weren't successful if I thought foreign agencies might use the same tactics. They were used and it was successful. They have to very picky about who they choose to do this. They are tested and trained to a high degree apparently.  
Date: 8/16/2003 7:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    Koolade, I really dont know much about the physic thing in the military, I do know that I've seen lots of movies made about this kind of thing going on. I know that some that say they are physic really are and can see and do these things. To think they are not real, would be to hide my head in the sand. It is hard to prove to anyone about any of our paranormal experiences. I guess its a have to be there, type of situation. we can only read what they have to say. I've seen too much to discount anyone else experiences. I'd like to hear some of yours if your willing to share.  

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