Date: 8/4/2003 10:36:00 PM
From Authorid: 53900
Try drinking some juice when you get this dizzy...your blood sugar level could be getting low  |
Date: 8/4/2003 10:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 34487
It does sound like it's probably due to the diet change. If it worsens or you start to get ringing in your ears or headaches you should definitely go to the doctor. If you go to the hospital it costs more but they have to take you in and then they can bill you. I hope you get better. God bless. :0)  |
Date: 8/5/2003 12:34:00 AM
From Authorid: 56410
I get dizzy like that sometimes too.. Wish I could help..  |
Date: 8/5/2003 1:08:00 AM
From Authorid: 53052
i think it's the diet... i think your missing things in our diet what is more important your health or hawaii... go and pick up some good multi vitamins and take those every day for a few weeks and see if that helps.... if it doesn't GO TO THE DOC  |
Date: 8/5/2003 2:33:00 AM
From Authorid: 62104
Well hun, you MUST go see the doctor anyway, borrow the money if you have to cause there could be something really wrong here. When did you start feeling this way? Did you just recently go either 'on' or 'off' any medication? I know this happens to me alot if I stop taking my anti depressant medicaion (it's like having withdrawls). You could have poor circulation or maybe anemia. Just do what ever you have to, to see the doc. Hope you feel better  |
Date: 8/5/2003 5:51:00 AM
From Authorid: 8278
this happens to my mother alot. she still has to go for a follow-up at the doctors (she had to go for blood work) so, unfortunatly, i don't know what it is yet. i get it occasionally. usually if i am really really hungry or if i move too fast. but my moms is quite often. if it get's any worse, go see the doctor. they can bill you for it. it is better to be safe than sorry. wish i could help you more. sorry (hugs)  |