Lately I been thinking Of everything right now Of how no matter how I try I get screwed up somehow I give the world my best Do everything I can But then when i need someone here There's noone standing there Everyone is off doing as they please They think they are here Or so I lead them to believe Yet at the moment I need people most Noone is around It's like it doesn't matter It's not them So what's the deal
Right now I should be asleep Like the rest of the world But when you get like me You can't anymore You come to realize it's not needed That night times alone Quiet everyone's sleeping at home Is better then anything else you can do Becuase the world thinks your sleeping They haven't got a clue
Then they catch on Offer you help But you know it's to late now You have no hope So you sit back and deal Hearing sorry again and again To bad it's only you who remembers when You sat there and screamed Hoping for someone near But you were to busy helping everyone else For anyone to hear And as time went on And you slowly died out They wondered why It got silent Noone could help them when they needed to shout So you slip away Into a mist of dark Wondering if they'll catch on You're no longer you You only rest now Where the shadows of the night lark You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 27705 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .