Well today was my Grandma's bday. Not the one I live with but my moms mother. I'm at my moms house because of the Lifehouse concert (which BTW was awesome :D) and then my half sister came to visit so I may stay awhile. Anyways today my Aunt decided to throw Grandma a party. It would be my Aunts family, her, my uncle, and my 3 cousins. We used to live with them when we first moved up here. Sandy (my aunt) always treated me like crap (though I was only 9 at the time) and made a point to put me down and try and make me feel bad. My Uncle dont say much so he dont bother me (cept when he gets all uppity too :/...) and then 2 of my cousins are 18 and 19 so yeah they dont bug me, then my cuz Beth who is 15 is nice so its all good. Other then them my other Aunt Angel and her 2 lil kids were there, again not *usually* annoying :p. Then of course my grandma and me and my family were there.
Well things seemed fun, me and Britty (my sister) and Beth and Grandma were sitting at one table and Grandma teased Bethy had a bf. Beth explained she'd gone on a date (shes only gone on a few in her life...this had to be one of the first real ones) last Tuesday and ohhh its a guy I knew and so forth. So me and Britty are having fun teasing her and stuff. Then Grandma asked about Britty's love life (shes newly 14, Bethy is almost 16...) and well my sis has had plenty of bfs and currently is single so we teased her cuz she is out to date a 16 year old (1 I dunno...) Anyways then for about briefly 1 second Grandma asked about my love life. I just said *trying to be jokingly* I never had one and I still dont :(. Sad thing is thats true... No bf, no dates, no anything...unless you count that 1 fake bf :*(. Well then Grandma got on a spiel to Britty and Bethy to stay virgins and stuff tell they were older and they giggling assured her they would (they will.) Well thats a bit insulting...notin said to me (she literally said there names, not mine...and we were all sitting together.)
Okay *looks around* so anyways then me and Beth and Britty decided to go for a walk. We were discussing a friend of mine I havent seen for years. I always try to see her especially when I come home from Independence, but she always blows me off and makes excuses (today was no exception :/...) Me, her, Beth, and Katie M (read my other posts :/...) used to be best friends when we were younger and all lived in Royal. Well Beth told me a disturbing factoid and made me promise not to tell so I promised I wouldnt. See my other friend had had a bf who she dated 3 months and broke up with in May. Well apparently she had slept with him (my friend is 16, he was 19) and done other umm...*things* with him and he dumped her after he got *what he wanted*. So thats why she was so heart broken. Well she never told me this, or that she even considered doing *that* with him (me and her talk online at least once a week), and apparently she never told Beth either and Beth found out from another friend, and then she asked my friend and my friend admitted it was true. So lets see...my sister (who is younger then me), and my cousin (again younger then me), have done more then me with guys (which for the record isnt much but it shouldnt be much) and to add to it I have a non virgin friend who obviously doesnt think enough of me to see me let alone tell me about major things in her life!!!
*sighs* oh wait back to the day! So anyways we returned to the park (where we had had my grandmas bday party) and my aunts and mother and grandma were sitting at one of the picnic tables. I had a blister by now so I joined them as all the kids ran off and apparently my older cousins and uncle had left (except 1, she was at the table too.) Well they got into talking about virginity and lets just say they brought something up about my mom (in front of her bf) which 1) they shouldnt have been jokin about and 2) they shouldnt have even brought up!!!!! Well lets throw into that (I wont go into what it was because thats not right to my mom but lets just say its not a thing to discuss...) that my older cousin said on the dirty talk occuring *oh yeah well you shoulda heard what grandma was saying to Brittni and Beth!* I threw into that *hey yeah grandma how come you didnt say that to me?* and Grandma said it was *because I said I didnt and hadnt had a bf...* Nice to see they have faith in me :(.
Well mom was upset by now, and so was I so we got in the car, found my siblings and left. I hate my relatives....oh did I forget to mention the college talk?!? It started out with my aunt saying my mom should take me to this 1 place for my senior pictures (I'd be a senior next year) because their cheap. Bravo mom thanks for saying *thats if she finishes school!* See I want to be homeschooled and to mom she thinks that if I'm homeschooled (which BTW gives you a diploma, not a GED like dropping out) that I dont deserve 1) school clothes (u need new clothes to live in school or not) 2) a car when I get my liscense 3) senior pictures 4) prom things (though I could go to a prom technically if I was still ya know in a school!) So anyways back to that....
I reminded mother of this and my family all acts like its a poisnious subject and dropped it...for awhile. Tell we were done eating and grandma asked me what I was gonna do about school!!! Well I told her I want to be homeschooled and then Angel (my aunt who I believe went to alternative school or dropped out and got a GED, did drugs went to rehab, had kids, and is now going to college) started in (and Sandy joined) on how GED's and homeschool diplomas arent as good and college this and that blah blah blah... Then they started in on my sister too. Neither of us aspires to go to college, we may have dreams but we figure if we can pay the bills and do what we wanna do in our lives then its all good. Anyways yeah they kept goin on actin like homeschool was like dropping out and argh!!!
Alrighty I'm better....no I'm not I'm still very upset. So kids what did I learn today? 1) My old friend is not worth my time, 2) My cousin is barely worth my time, 3) My relatives hate me (well what did I expect? When I was 9 and in love with the Spice Girls they bashed them so much (on purpose) to make me cry!!!), 4) I'm a pretty pathetic 16 year old and my life isnt gonna ever get better (I realized this months ago but everytime I get a bit active with my life I *think* maybe I could be normal), 5) My relatives are just evil... *sighs* sorry today sucked, and I cant believe all I learned! Sorry just had to rant :*(... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15675 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .