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Is there anyone on USM that you deeply admire or look up to?

  Author:  39737  Category:(Discussion) Created:(8/1/2003 9:09:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1341 times)

I know that there are a lot of kewl people here on USM. Everyone has there own personality unique. There are a few people on here that i look up to, because they seem to know so much and its inspiring. It makes me want to learn as much as i can or learn from them. Is there anyone on USM that you admire or look up to also?

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 8/1/2003 9:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 40979    I look up to Crooked Halo. She is my usm sissy but we knoweach other really good. I can realte to her and she can relate to me..although we live a couple hundred miles away. I would do any thing for her because she is the older sister I never had.  
Date: 8/1/2003 9:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 54570    Well I look up to Frankenstien as one of those. His warped humor and rants always keep[ me on my toes. Wooden Nickel would be second. His humor post keep me coming back for more.  
Date: 8/1/2003 9:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 30051    To many to list...There are many wonderful yoosmers. I wouldn't be here if it were any other way  
Date: 8/1/2003 9:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 58268    Eh, I admire someone a lot, but I dont wanna say...  
Date: 8/1/2003 9:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    Shadowghost, Linda, LSG, Azairyia, Ginger, Gail, Amanda, SteelDove, Jungebel, Pyro, Phydeaux, MissPriss, Two Spirit, St Pete, Zema, Koolade, and many others I can't think of right now since it is so late here, and I'm nodding off....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  
Date: 8/1/2003 9:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    I admire many of the younger people here for their insight and common sense. They demonstrate so often that "all is not lost", the poetry, the writing here is proof positive of that. So many I could name, but I would never want to forget any ONE person. And then there are those who are closer to my age, and seem to have "walked in my shoes", they never fail to offer words of comfort and love. They each know who they are.  
Date: 8/1/2003 9:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    Thinker just named so many that I admire very much, and she WILL always be someone I have come to know and care for very much.  
Date: 8/1/2003 9:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 19482    Thunderhead and Linda  
Date: 8/1/2003 10:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 1799    yeah.. lots of ppls.. but the really big ones are Thunderhead (R.I.P.), JC (R.I.P.), Corky, Dreamerpoet, and Silverhour.. they all helped me become who i am, and corky and dreamer saved my life.  
Date: 8/1/2003 10:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 16849    Thinker and LSG are the first to come to mind....  
Date: 8/1/2003 10:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 20750    Each & every usmer adds something to the site! All are so important!  
Date: 8/1/2003 10:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Oh, there are SO many and if I try to say them all, I'll most assuredly miss one and feel terrible. I think most of them know who they are, since we've talked here and there and some much more recently. God bless USM and Ginger and Radman for creating it.  
Date: 8/1/2003 10:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 13546    There are quite a few who I admire and look up to; Keepsake, Thunderhead (rest her soul), Zema, Grey Eyed Girl, Dreamer Poet, George and Ginger, Dolphin Witch, Cblossom, Illuminator, Kronk , Donno, ... see.. then again... my list could go on forever, there are so many who have made an impact on me!! I am blessed to have found this site, that is for sure.  
Date: 8/1/2003 10:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    MOMMY!!!!! Linda of course (see mommy, I called you mommy.LOL) Thinker, Shadow Ghost, Two-Spirit, Miss Priss, LSG, Ginger, George, Appirition, Midnightly and I know I am forgetting a bunch, no offense to anyone, it's after 1am, I tried to get all of ya!..LOL  
Date: 8/1/2003 10:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 53900    I think everyone adds something special to this site even when I dont agree with what tehy have to say they still have added something different and unique and I feel like without every person that comes to this site it would not be as great as it is today  
Date: 8/2/2003 2:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 60162    Zema, I know things are tough for her as of late, I admire her strength and courage. Frankenstein. Hes taken a lot of flack here, I really admire the way hes not only handled it, but kept his humour about it too. Hes also a fantastic writer...very thought provoking. And KornGurl, very talented! I can really see her going places later in life!  
Date: 8/2/2003 2:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 17417    There are So Many people here that I Trully Admire,I have learned that anyone I speak with leaves me Enriched and Blessed...To name a few,I would say Sire and M'Lady,M'Lady,Jungabel, Thinker,Azairyia,LSG,Songbird,IceQueen,Sur5r,Keepsake,Hey Larry,Wooden Nickle,Gail,Jezebel, ShadowGhost,Love_ Always_Diana,Yumyum,Sister, Matt,BlackRose,MysteryMan Donno,Capitol Appirition, AussieGirl,Bwearsie,CBlossom, Dizzy Me,DreamerPoet,Girlie,Grey Eyed Girl,HairBear, Havana,IceQueen420, ItalianQueen,JoyfulGirl,Juls & Jen,KaraokeQueen,MidnightMomma,Kethria, KiKi Angel Kitty Kat Dat I Love,Koala,Lady Dina,Lady Luck,La Sorciere Rouge,Penny 44,Persephone,Phe, SassyGirl,SpoiledBabyGurl ,TrueBeliever,Vadia,Sweet September,SweetVixen,DMK,NKA,Demon Devastator,5 Elements Of Life,Predictor,Ram, Speed,Stile,StormTracker5,TheBeliever,ABSZ, Allana,Apryl,DolphinWitch,HJ, IrishEyes,Jewel Fernandez,Katsho33,Line,Misty Flame, Pookie Lover,PrincessAmy,PrincessJen,RosePrincess,ShortyG,Sk8r,Spookygal75,Tiffany,TommyGirl,Toodles, VirtualPrincess,WithoutLove,"X",COLLISL,Sundin,AmericanButterfly,AngelFire,AngelLyne,Amers,BabyBlue, Banana,Beth,Boofy, Braiden-Michelle, BlueBunny,BrokenHeartedOne,Browneyedgrl aka Tiffylu,Bunniebeth,Buttafly_Kiss,ButterflyDee, CamaroChic,CharlieChuck,Chaunta,CheerChic, Chocoholic,Cloud_9,CinnamonRain,CrazyHorse, CRAZYQT,CUJO,DaisyHG,*Dalphina*,Danielle, DaphneAngel,Deadrick,DesiA,DivaGirl, Dogs2000,Downer,Dream_Weaver15,DrumcorpFan, *ENCHANTRESS aka E2,Emi,EvilDeadChick, FireBird,FireyDawn,FireOf Dawn,Fire~Girl, FlamingBeauty,Ocean Goddess,ForeverYours, Frizz,Frony, FrostyneTheFalcon,Genisis, GhostieGal,Ghosteller,GoldenGirl,Hangman,Harlea, HorseGirl,Huggles,HunniBunniexoxo,Jaden-beth,JazzMan,*JC,Jo-Ann,Kattan,KittyStar_50, Klutzy_Kid,KohakuChan,Korngurl,Kysta, LadyPullen,LightGirl,LittleAngel, LilBlondeChick,Lilliana,Little Lady,LiLMiss-AntiSocial, Little*NSYNCFlame, Love_Me, LSQ,Machaela,Mahailla,Maniac,MelissaTheAngel, ~ Marie ~,MattrixGirl,McKinley,Meagan,Mindy,Misty Flame,Monkeyluvr, MoonGirl,*Morphix,Mystic Rose,90% Angel,* NettieBrat, Nodoubtyankee,#1 Writer,OddSmell,OccultKid,Ooperstar, OompaLoompa,100% Flirt,PaddingtonBear, PerfectGirl,Phantom Crow,PikaCarena, Pinktoes09,Poke_Angel_Gal, PrincessLeo,Roc-N-Tree,Rory11,SarahDanielle,Sassy Annie, Scooby Freak,*scream rules*,SilverSnowflake, Sista,SmilesToDeath,SmileFace,SNL Babe, Soft,Spell Weaver,SpiritEchos,SpiritsOfTheDead, SportiAngel,Spideyz Girl aka Sugar Angel, StarChazer,StarFox, Suffer, SunShineGirl, SweetKisses,SweetQTPie,ºtåilº__)º,The Silent Knight, Trekkie, Trentman,Tweetilicious,Twisted Sister, UISCE,ViolentJ, Watermellonhead,Winnie PoohGirl,WolfGirl,WolfSpirit,Yorkshirelass,Bright-Kill, Celestial Dyme,PrinceMacky Wild Magic,FF, Rika,Ecco,Spideyz Girl aka Sugar Angel,Play Ball,PsiForce and Anyone I have encounted throughout my Three Years here at USM...Each one of you are Unique and Admirable...Great Post and the Perfect Opportunity to Thank My Family and Friends for Enriching my Life...GOD Bless...Much Love In Spirit,Linda B.

Date: 8/2/2003 5:36:00 AM  From Authorid: 58030    ummm soooooo many jestr, joshie, two spirit, lady spirit guide, keeks, little jung, alien life form, and a whoooooooooooole bunch of everybody else  
Date: 8/2/2003 5:37:00 AM  From Authorid: 58030    *copy pastes linda's list into mine...   
Date: 8/2/2003 7:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 54987    There is only one for me ..... THINKER! LOL and others of course, but they know who they are. They're the ones who have open minds and kind hearts.  
Date: 8/2/2003 7:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 57830    the first one that comes to mind is Pyriel. i almost see him as a brother  
Date: 8/2/2003 8:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 11341    There are alot of people here that I admire all for different reasons. Some for the friendship we have, some for being a great author, some forhaving common sense, some for lack there of lol. I wont start naming names, I dont want to leave anyone out. Hopefully those that mean alot to me know they do.  
Date: 8/2/2003 9:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 56840    Oh, man, I can't name them all! :P But I'll name Kronk in particular, his poems are awesome, and they tell so much of life.  
Date: 8/2/2003 9:17:00 AM  From Authorid: 23101    There are so many people that I look up to. To name a few are: Gingie (Ginger), Georgio (Radman), Cari (Rainbow Angel), Grammy Linda, Jungabel (Real life momma), Amanda (KoRn Gurl), Gail, Sherri (Casper), Sur5R. Those are just a few. Hehe .. I put the user name in parenthases though, because some of them I have nicknames for! *Hugs* Stay Sweet,  
Date: 8/2/2003 10:56:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 39737    Little Jung, i didnt know that Jungabel was your momma .... thank you everyone for replying to my post, hopefully you dont need to tell those that you love and admire that you do because they'll already know!  
Date: 8/2/2003 7:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 42945    I admire so much Shadow Ghost, Penny, Thinker,Trauma Momma, HoHo, Kronk, Rainbow Angel, Keepsie, Hey Larry, Americangirl, Gail,MoonieGirl, Linda, ohhhh there's just too many to name but there are a lot of younguns here, far too many to name that I admire, their stance on so many different subjects amaze me with their maturity, if I have left anyone out, its not intentional, I do admire so many here...hugs  
Date: 8/3/2003 10:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 62085    in all fairness, i havent met many of you, so it would be hard to say. There are a few on here who share the same interests, and some that have what really appeals to me in a person.. a sense of humor. My friends, i am crazy about them!!!!!! Ginger, Radman, and LSR, get a ^5 for the time, effort, $$ for bandwidth/webspace, and heart and soul they have put into this site..  
Date: 8/3/2003 7:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 52140    yep, I admire thinker cuz she always puts a new perspective and smarts into debate. I ENVY Rusure and Firstborn cuz they have the kind of Bible smarts I wish I had--but I still love them so much!  
Date: 8/8/2003 9:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 28946    The ones I admire know who they are I hope, for they offer kindness, acceptance and friendship all the time, and they like me.  
Date: 6/20/2004 8:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 13283    I admire Rusure and Firstborn . They are keeping the faith ! Razzy aka  

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