Date: 8/1/2003 9:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 62297
Where is the tremor? in your head? Could be serious. Better get it checked out. In one of you legs, arms...? Probably a tired muscle...common amoung many...don't fret. |
Date: 8/1/2003 9:23:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 53595
No, 62297, I can feel it all over.. like a sort of internal.. buzz, is the only way to describe it... it doesn't hurt or anything.. not sure if it is just me hearing my blood flow or what..  |
Date: 8/1/2003 9:40:00 PM
From Authorid: 62297
Is it like a buzzing in your ear? I have this sometimes. It goes away after awhile. It's called an entoptic phenomena. Sort of like if you close your eyes real tight you see stars or bursts of light. It's called a phenomena because no one really knows the cause. Your body is programed to ignore these stars after a while (that's why they fade) or in your case the tremmor. That's why people don't go out of their mind. If the problem doesn't go away after a couple of weeks, I'd get it checked out. |
Date: 8/2/2003 2:05:00 AM
From Authorid: 57115
I dont think its internal since you say it happens alot in school, unless its just a coincendence, or maybe it happens at say 11:00am when your probably at school. Im sorry, i Have no idea what this could be. Have a safe journey home! =)  |
Date: 8/2/2003 11:04:00 AM
From Authorid: 60018
I think that everyone gets this feeling but most people just tune it out after a while, not sure though...  |
Date: 8/2/2003 12:44:00 PM
From Authorid: 39737
hmmm well you know what i have had something like that only it happened 2wice and that is it. I was about to go to bed and i was thinking about my leg. HTen alll of a sudden it started shaking, and it felt like someone was doing, but i know it was me.. so i ran because it has never happened. it just tremembled. If you find out why let me know okies?  |
Date: 8/4/2003 12:22:00 AM
From Authorid: 52612
a lot of ppl get the same feeling about the internet..  |
Date: 8/7/2003 9:21:00 AM
From Authorid: 49710
lol @ evil 16!!! Look..maybe you're experiencing deja vu or you remeber seeing something happen before even though it didn't happen yet? you never know....before i used to get a vibrating i get "mentally" smacked in the never know  |