A great festivle of games and dance, named for Lugh, the Irish Celtic solar god. It is observed July 31. Lughnasadh relates to words meaning to "give on marriage", and it was once associated with marriage contracts. Nine months id Beltane, the birth of summer and life. According to medieval legend, the festivle celebrates the Irish god Lugh's marriage to the Sovranty of Ireland, the goddess Eriu. A hag, Eriu is transformed into a beauty by the marriage, and personifies the land of Ireland. First harvests are made, accompanied by thanksgivings and rites to ensure the bounty of next year's crops. Some traditions observe the death of the 'Sacred King' as a sacrifice to ensure the fertility of next year's crops. In old Pagan customs, the blood of a cock would be scattered on the fields".Lammas, from the Old English term for "loaf" and "mass" for mass, is a Christianized name for an old Saxon fruit and grain festival coined by the early English Church. The holiday was celebrated with the first harvests, the rippening of apples, and winter wheat, the latter according to tradition, was made into loaves and blessed in the church. Lammas Day also was a day of accounts. In Scotland, tenant farmers took their grain harvests to their landlords on August 1 to pay rent.The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft,pp.357-358.33 DEGREE. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 18155 ( Click here )
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