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Update on "When I must leave you for a little while!" by Posey

  Author:  48809  Category:(Angels) Created:(8/1/2003 3:58:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1409 times)

When I posted a tribute to my sister on January,1, 2003... it was after she had passed away on December 30, 2002. Now several months later, I thought some of you might be interested in an update and would like to know that when she was buried in the afternoon ... that I heard from her that very evening. She was very weak because she "died" of cancer and sometimes it takes a little while to regain their strength after such a long illness ... but she was still very much alive. She said only a few words at that time, but later came back to see me and we had a very nice conversation ! She had broken her right hip and she had a steel pin in it about a month or two before she passed on. After she fell, she never walked again. However, when she came to me she showed me how well her right leg was working again!! As some of you may or may not know we can become younger again when we pass over ... if that is our desire. My sister was 78 years old and had snow white hair when she passed away. When I saw her , she had what we call " dishwater blonde " hair which is her natural color ... she looked to be no more than 30/35 years old and her skin was firm and lovely. I had seen her in nothing except a nightgown or a hospital gown for the last year... that first time I saw her ... after she had passed on, she was wearing a pair of black slacks and a turquoise color blouse. She was very upbeat and she was with her husband again who had preceded her by 13 years. I swear that this is the truth and that my sister has visited me several times again since that time. I hope that this is of interest to some of you. This proves that we do indeed survive " so called death!" My sister never believed in an afterlife and always said that "When you're dead , you're dead... I am certain she has now changed her mind.

How it changed my life:

It did not change my life at all, because I have always known that when we leave here we only go somewhere else.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 8/1/2003 4:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 28848    That is interesting. and you are fortunate to have had such experiences.  
Date: 8/1/2003 7:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 47113    awwwww, what a sweet uplifting post....i think what you described is sooo beautiful.....makes u feel warm all over....let us know of more of your experiences....i'd love to hear them....:-)  
Date: 8/1/2003 11:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 28946    Posey, I believe this with all my heart as I've had similar experiences especially lately with my recently passed over Dad and my Momma. It seems they are still offering comfort and advice which I so need of them. Thanks for posting this as it hopefully will let others know that life doesn't really ever end, just goes through a metamorphisis.  
Date: 8/2/2003 2:20:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Thanks for your comments ! How wonderful to know that what we have always believed is really true!  
Date: 8/5/2003 9:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 54461    Posey, what if that is Satan decieving you? Wouldnt that be horrible? Satan can decieve us in so many ways. I dont actually agree with some of the stuff you say, and I know you dont agree with some of mine. I do think this is a wonderful story that you have posted. But somthing tells me it isnt your sister. The bible states that we cannot come back from the dead after we have passed for so long. Only Jesus Christ can raise us again. I do not believe in wondering spirits when we die. I believe in Heaven and Hell, and we will all be going to one of them. And it sounds to me, that Satan is making you think there is no hell. How can we so sure? God Bless.  
Date: 8/7/2003 5:22:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    KJ, I am sorry I haven't answered this sooner, but my server has been down for a couple of days. You ask what if this is "Satan" deceiving me and this is not my sister? KJ, don't you believe that God has more power than anyone else has? When you ask God to protect you , don't you believe that He will DO IT? I do, because I KNOW HE DOES! I know that when I ask God to allow my loved ones to come to me and to surround me with His "White Light of protection" that it will happen, do you know why I believe it will happen... because I see His Light coming down to me ! Have you no faith that God is capable of protecting us? As you know, I do not believe in a "satan or demons"... these so-called beings are simply products of man's imagination! The one's you see who might harm us are simply those people who once lived on the earth and chose to live evil lives and are still continuing on a downward path. There is no one in the universe who could convince me that these people I see are not who they say they are! They have told me many things and they show me how they now have a wonderful NEW body and that they are well once again. I don't care what the Bible says about not being able to come back from the dead... because it is DEAD WRONG! You may believe that this is not my sister ... however, you did not see her... and I did. You seem to think that the mythical "satan" is sending imposters to me instead of the real people. lol. Are you certain KJ that he is not pulling the wool over your OWN eyes? I am always amazed at those people who credit "satan" with more power than they give God! Doesn't it seem odd to you that it is you sees these nasty things and I don't? I wonder why?  
Date: 8/9/2003 7:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 19682    tHANK YOU FOR THIS STORY. yOU POSTED

Thank you for posting this. You posted on mine when my mother passed away and she was so jaded on the afterlife. She felt that "when you are dead, you're dead".

I have been wanting my mother to come to me like your experience. I really don't think my mother cared that much to even try.

Seems in her elder years her mind was of dimensia and so she felt I was a 'bad' person. Thank you for this uplifting.

I dream alot about my mother and sometimes I feel maybe that is her communicating with me.

Date: 8/10/2003 8:49:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Hi Janet, you are quite right in believing that your mother is trying to contact you.She is no doubt trying to let you know that she certainly did survive the change called death! There are so many sad things in the world and one of the worst is to tell people that their loved ones who have passed on are dead until Jesus comes to take them into heaven! This statement is so cruel to those who are grieving the loss of someone they love, because it strips them of all HOPE, if they choose to believe it! God has provided us with a spirit body that will AUTOMATICALLY launch us into our place IMMEDIATELY upon our so-called death! I see that your mother , as well as my sister has been deluded in to believing this same erroneous belief. However, their appearance to us AFTER their "death" proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are absolutely still alive and well again! The dream state is one of the easiest ways for our loved ones to contact us from the other side, although their are many other ways too. I hope you will speak to your mother and tell her that you love her and that you are so happy to have her visit you. Did you know that she can see you and hear you? Say whatever you want her to know and she will absolutely hear you! I hope this helps!  
Date: 8/10/2003 9:24:00 AM  From Authorid: 57830    wow, this was a great post  
Date: 8/10/2003 12:49:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Thanks for your comment Sandy ! I hope this revelation from the spirit world helped you in some way too...  
Date: 8/12/2003 8:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    I'm glad your being comforted, but I do agree with KJ52 and its not giving satan all the credit for having all the power, its giving God honor in what his words tells us about this type of thing. Godbless.  
Date: 8/12/2003 12:17:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Yes, I know you disagree with me Firstborn, but I thank you for your comment just the same. How nice to "see" you again. I appreciate all comments to my posts ... even if I disagree with them!  
Date: 8/12/2003 9:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 48250    Yjis in Interesting Poesey..,So Happy for You that You Experienced Seeing Your Loved One., I suppose this doesn't happe for All..I've often Wondered why Some see things while others do not...Thanks for sharing...T/C...  
Date: 8/12/2003 9:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 48250    I keep telling myself to quit typing in the dark.., (lol) I meant to say this is an interesting post.., Posey.. & I've Wondered why this does not Happen to All...hehe sorry about the typos..T/C...  
Date: 8/13/2003 6:04:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Kentucky Bluebird... you mean you can really type in the dark? lol. To answer your question,everyone is born with the ability to communicate with spirit, it is just that some are born with a greater ability than some others. To explain further, it is just like some people are gifted with being very good at understanding algebra ... while the rest of us are only mediocre. However, if we study and practice these things, we may be surprised how good we can be at it... because many of us have undiscovered talents that we know nothing about!  
Date: 8/14/2003 1:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 54461    Posey, if there was no hell, how come there is evil on this earth? I know God didnt create the evil, someone had too. SATAN! He is the fallen Angel, and he is the cause of evil. A God of Love cant make evil, but a nasty evil sadistic being like Satan would!  
Date: 8/14/2003 4:24:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    KJ, there is evil on the earth today because man has made it so! Really.... man did not need a "satan" to help him destroy the earth and start all the wars etc. that are so evident in so many places today ! As you must know, God gave us all free will to do bad or good as we see fit. However, if we choose to do wrong , then you may be certain that there is ALWAYS a penalty attached to be paid for our rash actions.... The condition of the world today is the result of the negative decisions to do wrong instead of right. The earth is a training ground for us all to learn lifes lessons ... those annoying things that happen daily to all of us, but that help to develop our souls. There are always opposites in the world and if we had no darkness (evil) then we would not appreciate the light (good). If we had all chosen to do right things istead of bad, then the world today would be a place of love, light, peace and goodwill, instead of the turbulent chaos that we currently find ourselves in today. I agree that God did not create evil , only good can come from God, evil can never exist where there is love and purity. There is no fiery burning hell such as some believe in.....however, there is always retribution for going against God's natural laws , because the law is automatic and we cannot escape our punishment if we do something wrong! Of course the law of cause and effect also works in reverse if we do what is right. I know you believe in a satan that causes all the evil in the world... but think about who would be to blame if someone told you to go out and murder someone and YOU chose to do it ? Would you blame this evil act on "satan" or would you be a man who takes responsibility for your own actions.... and admit that YOU and YOU alone are the guilty party?  
Date: 8/17/2003 5:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 54461    I would blame it on me. Because it was my free will.  
Date: 8/17/2003 5:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 54461    I have another question. How come there are posessions today? People today still have them. How come??  
Date: 8/18/2003 6:43:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    And if you would admit that because of your OWN actions and your OWN free will that you are guilty of committing such an act KJ, then you would be exactly right! It would be YOU who did this and NOT "satan" or anyone else....the blame would lie solely at YOUR door and no one else's. The same principle applies to everyone on the planet. We can never avoid our OWN personal responsibilities by laying the blame on someone else... satan or some other person, because our soul records our every thought , word and deed and action and it is indelibly inscribed upon the soul and when we pass over it will be there for all to see.... that it is we alone who are to blame and none other!  
Date: 8/18/2003 3:16:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    You also asked , why we still have possessions today KJ, there have always been possessions and no doubt there always will be.The world we live in today is a veritable play ground for those people in the lower realms who seek to do evil to others. There are many reasons for this , but one instance is because those who are in the lower realms are still attracted to those people that drink, smoke and do drugs etc. and will attach themselves to them , if given the chance! Many a good psychic has seen these awful beings that some call demons, but which in fact were once human beings ... riding on the the backs of those who do these things so that they can enjoy their habit vicariously once again! We have those who murder and rape, liars , thieves and those who would not go out of their way to help a little child across a busy street , and of course, the selfish who think only of themselves. The courts of the world are daily emptying out their prison cells and sending their criminals to their death ....thinking that they are done with them for all time... they are greatly mistaken, for since life is eternal and no one ever dies,these people too continue to live on and we NOW have a very angry spirit on our hands who will do anything he can to get back into a body again (possess someone) and to "get even" by doing something even more degrading and despicable than before! I am certain we have all heard someone say that a voice told them to commit some terrible crime... don't ever doubt that this can happen, because it does! The people here who frequently dwell on those in the lower realms will find that they are attracting these beings to themselves because they do not know how to protect themselves from them. These spirits can pick up on our thoughts and we will draw them to ourselves as surely as if we opened the door and invited them inside! Those who are in the lower realms have also been given free will and are allowed to go to those people who summon them. Many do not know that by playing games with those forces that they know nothing about is extremely dangerous. There are people there that you DO NOT want to know! This is where we have the axe murderers and beings such as Idi Amin, Adolph Hitler , Sadaam Hussein's sons ... just to name a few! Everyday we have people who admit these beings into their lives whether intentionally or not, and when they find out they are in over their heads they wonder how they got there! Many people believe that all those in the next world are evil, this is NOT true, they have good and bad people there just as we do here. We must learn how to protect ourselves and deal only with those spirits who are in the higher realms. If we do not want to contact those from the lower realms then we must change our habits and live our lives so as to invite into our world .. only those who come from God!  

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