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Can we stop RELIGIOUS debates???..................Midnightly

  Author:  53052  Category:(Discussion) Created:(7/29/2003 3:17:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1561 times)

there have been alotta debates based on or around religion lately, this is an area where people think and believe STRONGLY IN this is an area that is about belief NOT DEBATE...

beliefs are not up for debate...

It seems there cannot be a clean debate around here... the debates have been getting fairly nasty and i hate seeing it.. simple things are turning into heated topics lately around religion unfortunately...

please can we stop debating on peoples beliefs?? telling someone they are wrong because they believe in a goddess or a god or the big pink bunny is not right!

we should respect others beliefs not fight them on it!

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Date: 7/29/2003 3:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 37449    Go Mid!  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 10915    You expect that to happen here at USM? I agree, but seriously, do you truly think it will stop?  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:19:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    cujo thanks it's good to know someone agrees with me  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:21:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    girlie if people will stop looking at posts as personal attacks on them or maybe debates should be monitored a little more....nip it before it gets out of control  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 23959    I agree with girlie. If it's going to stop, it's not going to be overnight anyways. It will take time. People will get tired of fighting over the same thing eventually..at least i would hope so   
Date: 7/29/2003 3:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 33925    Nice thought but it aint gonna happen..LOL..People have been debating religion for as long as there has been religion..Its not going to change.  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 10915    I agree. However, I say if you can't handle the debate, stay out of it. Plain and simple. I don't think that they should be stopped. I feel that maybe some of the debators should have some tack about themselves and be civil.  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 8817    right... sorry but religion is something ppl feel strongly about and yes it is a belief but it is also something ppl r never going to stop arguen and debating about. Religion has killed more ppl then anything else has and I am sorry but no amount of asking is going to get ppl to just stop trying to get ppl to see it their way which is why no matter what the religious debates are going to continue if u do not like it then just ignor those posts. sorry hun but i can tell u right now it is not going to stop.  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:23:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    ibdreamy i really hope so... its just getting a little too out of control i've seen it where debates have turned the point where the debate had stopped and turned into an arguement with 1 or 2 people  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 15394    why stop it at all??? Isnt it important to learn about other people's beliefs, thoughts, feelings?? The ONLY problem with religous debates is the direction the debator deides to go in, when someone says something their religion has no answer for... then it seems some people decide on personal attacks... stinks really!  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:28:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    jungabel i agree.. things get too personal  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 2030    Debating religion IS the ultimate folly. But when looking for a good scrap it's the best game in town.  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:30:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    bcar it's unfortunate it that it's that way  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 30051    Nope..But you could stop reading them  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    Hm, I never really got too near the relgious debates or want anything to do about it. I don't think that there is a way to really stop. There are so many religions out there and I wish that people would just respect upon each other's belifs as you said. It's not worth fighting about.   
Date: 7/29/2003 3:37:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    sometimes it's a little hard to avoid them when they are in discussion and then turn into religious debates  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 11341    Whats happening now isnt anything compaired to what it used to be. The debates arent going to stop even if the debate section is taken out. My advice is if you dont want your faith or belief challenged stay away from the ring.  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 59876    it's something to do midnightly lol and i have learned bits and pieces of other religions and changed some of my views from what i've learned from other people since coming to usm. i think it just seems especially annoyingg to some right now because there is so many similar posts up at once lol.  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:49:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    it's the one post spawns another post spawns another post whta are all basically the same post just trying to keep the arguement "debate" going  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 8278    i couldn't agree with you more. that is why i stay away from any post that is at all debating religion. it's safest (hugs)  
Date: 7/29/2003 3:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 57830    The debates do get annoying. All it is, is ramming a religion down someones throat. Nearly pointless because we all know that by reading a debate, its most likely not going to change anyone's religious beliefs  
Date: 7/29/2003 4:05:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    sandy exactly  
Date: 7/29/2003 4:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    Midnightly... if people write posts about their religion and say it's the truth and claim it as fact then it IS up for debate. The debates haven't been as nasty as they used to be.. I had a fantastic post last year that brought 200 replies but 2 people turned it into a free for all brawl and it was deleted. So it's tame now in comparison. Most of us do respect people's beliefs. Truth and beliefs are not always synonymous. Some people ask why the bible isn't compulsory reading... some people say that non believers are going to hell... and so on... so it's not just the non believers. If you look back at previous posts you will see who makes the most posts regarding religion. I may do that when I have time.  
Date: 7/29/2003 5:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 58268    eh, itll never stop, its just something people cant agree on and never will....  
Date: 7/29/2003 5:02:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    when the debates re just that healthy debates there great have tons of them... but debates are just turning into fights and i don't think anyone purposely wants to FIGHT about thier beliefs.... people shouldn't belittle others beliefs and i see too much of that  
Date: 7/29/2003 5:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 24319    I stay out of religous debates and I don't tell anyone what I believe in for the simple fact that I know not everyone believes how I believe and I don't feel the need to be told how much of an idiot I am and how wrong I am for what God I do or don't believe in. I would never tell anyone that their beliefs are wrong, and don't want someone to do that to me. So, knowing that someone COULD and probably would attack my beliefs I keep them to myself. It does at times get old and annoying.  
Date: 7/29/2003 5:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    Mid, I had thought of making a suggestion that a moratorium be put on debates of a religous nature for a month or so to let things cool off. When religion is debated, it is not about facts, but about a person's personal belief. Personally, I will usually jump in with both feet on religous debates. One reason is that it gives me a better perspective of other people, and their true colors.  
Date: 7/29/2003 5:16:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    two spirit this is true.. it's unfortunate that we have to find out pepoples true nature this way.. and a moratorium is a great idea  
Date: 7/29/2003 5:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 36901    I agree with you. I don't even bother reading religious debates.  
Date: 7/29/2003 6:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 42945    I agree with Two Spirit....sounds sensible to me....hugs  
Date: 7/29/2003 7:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    Well, I just posted another one under debate. Actually, it is a debate I started almost 2 years ago on another forum, and had some interesting repsonses
Date: 7/29/2003 7:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    I agree with KoolAde and TwoSpirit on this: If people are putting their faith forward as fact, then most definitely that is up for debate...just as if anyone else is putting forth ANYTHING as fact...fact needs to be able to withstand critical analysis...needs to be shown, and proven to be shown...you can't get that without debate. Secondly, debating ones Religion can also help one strengthen it, for it can be like either the blazing fire that burns away the chaff, melts off the slag, so you are left with a purer substance...OR...it can be the fire that causes you to see how hollow your faith was if it disintergrates under the microscope. Either way I see as a positive...for either way helps growth, or faith or of yourself. Peace,  
Date: 7/29/2003 8:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 50678    I agree but sometimes it is fun to debate, you sometimes learn something you didn't know. I know I love debating about religion, but I still respect others beliefs, I mean I have my own beliefs. Nothing you believe in can be wrong because you can't prove it until you are dead, I just like debating!!!  
Date: 7/29/2003 8:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    Good idea. One problem, if we stop debating "religious topics" (which I can do-no problem), then are we sending the message that if there is a topic you don't like discussed (homosexuality, politics, ect) than bad behavior will result in the uncomfortable topics being stopped? Don't you think "time-out" for the people who start personal attacks might be a better solution? Ah....never mind. Count on me to do my part....  
Date: 7/29/2003 11:16:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53052    LSG great idea.... maybe with the recent uproar there could be a new catigory admin for debates(i checked it and there is only 1 now)  
Date: 7/30/2003 2:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    LSG's solultion would be a good one, except when it comes to making posts on religion, she is in the top ten running of those that make it against christianity. I think a time out for those that start the fight with a sarcastic remark would work, NOTICE I said for the ONE that starts the sarcastic remarks. Oh and you can count on me to do my part as well. ROTFLMAO
and I'M SURE this comment will get deleted simply because I pointed out that LSG is one of those TOP ten that makes the posts just to start the religouse arguments. But *sigh* she says it is for learning about other religions, but gee its been soooooooooo long since I've seen her do a post on budda, or mormons, or satanist, ect ect ect.
Date: 7/30/2003 2:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    telling someone they are wrong because they believe in a goddess or a god or the big pink bunny is not right! I agree with you, BUT as long as people keep making post against my religion, I will keep answering them. I stopped making posts a LONG LONG TIME ago against the wiccan's simply because it was hurting feelings. It would be nice if the same could be done about making rude post about christianity.
Date: 7/30/2003 3:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 18516    I don't go into those debates anymore...people can't seem to have a decent debate around here without getting into a fight and hurting others feelings. The last time I commented to a religious debate I got chewed out by a usmer so I don't bother anymore. Just don't go into that section.  
Date: 7/31/2003 12:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    All comments are reviewed by the administrators and are subject to deletionat their discretion. Vulgarities, name calling, insults and comments unrelated to stories willbe deleted first. No exceptions!<----"LSG's solultion would be a good one, except when it comes to making posts on religion, she is in the top ten running of those that make it against christianity. I think a time out for those that start the fight with a sarcastic remark would work, NOTICE I said for the ONE that starts the sarcastic remarks. Oh and you can count on me to do my part as well. ROTFLMAO and I'M SURE this comment will get deleted simply because I pointed out that LSG is one of those TOP ten that makes the posts just to start the religouse arguments. But *sigh* she says it is for learning about other religions, but gee its been soooooooooo long since I've seen her do a post on budda, or mormons, or satanist, ect ect ect."  
Date: 7/31/2003 12:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    Personally, I think that LSG does a fine balance in her vascilation between wearing the "Let's all get along" hat, and the "Wake up and smell the coffee" uniform.   
Date: 7/31/2003 1:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    I'd also like to say that if a person truly believes that THEIR religious beliefs are not up for debate; and are above any critique or rebuttal, then they should absolutely keep those beliefs to themselves and or post only in the religious category. When anyone broadcasts, advertises or promotes their "god spam" anywhere in the public forum, it is open season. I will only respect someone's beliefs just so long as it does NOT insist on everyone else's acceptance of falsehoods.  
Date: 7/31/2003 1:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    thank you, Cat. That is really kind to hear....  
Date: 8/1/2003 8:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    This post is just like church, I see we have a *bless me club*  
Date: 8/1/2003 8:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    Besides I didnt think speaking the TRUTH about the posts one makes was an insult.  
Date: 8/1/2003 9:24:00 AM  From Authorid: 24924    LSG, do you hear that pot calling the kettle black? Go over to the religious section, and read all sorts of the "bless me, bless you" clubs.  
Date: 8/1/2003 11:14:00 AM  From Authorid: 15070    *AMEN!* Sista.....  
Date: 9/25/2003 2:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 13283    I very much agree . Its called live and let live . No matter how much you badger a person they are gonna remain steadfast in their beliefs . No one is necessarily right and no one is necessarily wrong . I try to debate both sides of the issues . I dont care what a person believes . I accept them as they are . Razzy aka  

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