Okay I have got to vent and get this off my chest cause it is going to bug me for a long time unless I do... so here goes...
My grandmother took me to WalMart today, we had my 7 month old daughter with us. (my car has kicked the bucket) Well when we were checking out my grandmother proudly told the cashier that the little baby who she had just bought the cute outfit for was her GREAT grandaughter, and that I was her grandaughter. The lady at the checkout gave me quite a rude sideways glance and then told my grandmother that she was too young to be a Great grandmother... so now I gotta vent this off my chest...
I am 21, and I cannot help the fact that I look like I am 15 or 16, it is in my blood!! My mother is in her mid 40's and looks like she's in her early to mid 30's... My grandmother is 61 and looks like she is in her mid 50's. (yes this is the same grandmother I was with today). So it is bad enough for me to walk around with my 7 month old because people automatically assume that I am only 16 or so with a daughter.
Which leads me to another pet peeve of mine. My husband and I had a rather short engagement. We knew and still know that we are soulmates. We were only engaged a few months before we were married, and only really knew each other a few months before we were engaged. To each his own, and to us we have had our ups and downs like any couple but we do love each other. More today then when we married over a year ago. We were young. (he was 19 and I was 20) But we still knew, and that was all that mattered, and to this day all that still does matter. We do know that we should have waited, NOW, but we wouldn't give each other up for anything in the world.... but onto my point. (sorry for side tracking). People always assume, because of our age that I got myself pregnant and we got married because of that. NO!!!!! We were married on March 1st of 2002. According to the doctor I concieved on March 15th... two weeks later. (all you women can do the calculations and see how I was definately NOT pregnant when we married).
Yes I know that I shouldn't let other people bother me, and it doesn't really cause I know the truth and that is all that matters, but still just knowing that people make these types of assumptions all the time without knowing the facts bother me. People that judge without knowing... I volunteer information all the time. I am constantly telling people know that I'm not just 16 or so, that I am older then I look, and I also let them know that I was married before I even concieved.
That lady in Walmart found out, although not as directly as I would have liked, because my grandmother was there and I was not intending to make a scene. I did it by mentioning to my grandmother (after she thanked the lady for the "compliment") about how we all (her, my mother and I) look so much younger then we really are.
How it changed my life:It really hasn't... just bothers me alot. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 61933 ( Click here )
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