"Pardon me while I burst... Pardon me while I burst..." - Incubus
Seering anger stealthily slips so swiftly up my spine.
"..so I dub thee unforgiven.." - Metallica
Devestating depression downing every delicate yet distant deliberation.
"Is there anyone out there 'cause it's getting harder and harder to breath." - Maroon 5
Christ! Cracking, caving, can't control countless things within.
" ...I'm broken, I know I need you now, 'cause deep inside I'm broken..." - 12 Stones
Lovely lyrics offering lament my little lies...
"Life could you be a litle softer to me? Life could be a little more gentle to me?" - Relient K
Many manic memories, maliciously murdering my mind mercilessly...
"I'm a negative creep, I'm a negative creep, I'm a negative creep..." - Nirvana
Wondering why things won't be worthwhile. Wishing they were.
"I can't always say things will be better tomorrow." - Korn
"Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort..." - Papa Roach
...Smooth Criminal
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .