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The Ramblings of The Ashezz -=Bad Ashezz=-

  Author:  5349  Category:(Interesting) Created:(7/28/2003 3:06:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1238 times)

Maturity is not something many people possess. It's not maturity when you pick on some person you don't even know so you can look cool for your friends. It's not mature to mess with someone when their day is already horrible. It's not cool when you look at someone and judge them based on their hair, clothes, or anything. Judging someone you don't know is stupid. Before you decide that that girl dressed in preppy clothes is a cheerleader, or that kid dressed in black is a Satanist or thinks he's a badbum, talk to them first. There's a few sayings that have been passed around through the years that you may think nothing of or think they're corny, but the old sayings hold the most truth. Like "Never judge a book by its cover". You can't decide someone dressed in preppy clothes is some lame-brained jock or ditz who is not monogamous to anyone. You can't decide someone dressed in black or fishnet cuts themselves, thinks their scary, or is depressed. Some people fit stereotypes, but there are still a lot of people who have more depth to them than that. Maturity is in low supply these days. Last night at skating, I was confronted by a bunch of girls who gave me crap for no reason. How juvenille. I didn't even get what the heck they were saying until 45 minutes later. I was tired and upset, what can I say? "Live and let Live" is another good old saying. I don't know if this was the real meaning, but I take it in this way- Live your life the way you want it, let others live their life the way they want it. Don't try to change someone because you think the way they are is wrong, especially if you don't know them. Your right could be someone else's wrong, and vice versa. Don't try to change someone, if they're doing something wrong, let them learn it the hard way. That's why it's so stupid to give people crap because of how they dress. Don't hiss at me because I dress black. I'm not trying to be scary or look like a hardcore badbum. Crikey, I just wanna dress the way I wanna dress. Let me be me, I accept you, how hard is it to return the favor? Kindness and respect are earned. I can't respect someone who's mean to me because of what they assume I am. Countless times people have been very cruel to me because I dress different and have different opinions than them, and when I tried to defend myself, they demanded respect. That's bull. It's unfair. How can you receive respect if you don't show it? It's a sad, sick world we live in. Whatever happened to American rights? You can't be who you want anymore, oh god forbid that. I respect everyone until they give me a reason not to. It's called courtesy. I don't judge people until I sit down with them and talk to them. It's just not fair to do otherwise. People could have more depth than you might think they do based on first impressions.

Another thing I wanna say is be who you are inside. I know it's hard not to do things so people think you're cool. Peer pressure sucks like that. Everyone craves acceptance, and you rarely get it. No matter how hard you try, some people live to test you. Are you cool enough to hang out with me? Yeah, I love anyone that's not a complete jerk. I'm a very loving person. I'd die for any of you, and how many of you appreciate it? Even if I don't know you that well, I'd die to save your life. That's just the way I am, I'm a caring person. And what do I get? Constant junk. That's why I won't go skating anymore, people are too judgemental and it's hard to take when I try so hard to please every friend, acquaintace, stranger, and even those who I'm not too chummy with and I get crap back. But still I try, because some people are just worth that pain. That's who I am inside. People laugh at me. I worry over little things, people whine about it. Such is life. What can you do, you know? The only person who knows what you really want, really think, and really feel is you. That's why it's stupid to tailor yourself to another person's expectations. It's not healthy, and you end up looking like the jerk, you end up being the puppet. When everyone's turned their back on you who do you have left besides yourself? Who can you trust more than yourself?

The last thing I wanted to cover here is the fact that everyone has feelings. A lot of things you do to show off for your friends can seriously damage someone's self esteem and emotions. You might think they're nothing. Like "Yo Mama" jokes. You might think its hilarious. Someone comes up to me and junk-talks my mama, it hurts for months. I loved my mommy, I still do, and she's dead. She's gone. No more mommy for me. You don't know what has happened to a stranger, you don't know what is going on in someone's personal life if you don't know them. How would you feel if you reduced someone to tears and hurt them to the point where next thing you know you hear they hung themselves in a closet, or put a bullet in their own brain? It does happen. My mom dealed with people her whole life. People made fun of her, but she was never one to hurt another person. Just like me. Eventually, people drove her to the point that, without saying anything to anyone, she told my dad to take care of me and my sister, pulled out a gun and shot herself. How many people have to die until we realize what idiots we are and how much we need to stop it? Violence, Drugs, and Words are what is wrong with people these days. We can't seem to stop talking out of our butts! I will not say I'm totally innocent, but I will say that I do genuinely care about everyone. I want to make a difference, make lives better, because you never know what a couple of kind words can do to change someone's life. I don't know how many times at skating I just wanted to go and die and give up and DJ Dave said something nice or flattering to me and I was like "Hey! I matter to someone!". Thanks, Dave. A lot of you have done that for me, and I couldn't appreciate it more. A smile or a nice "hi" could be enough to make someone's day. Just remember to think before you act and speak, as corny as it is, it could save someone.

How it changed my life:

The point is to change yours.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 7/27/2003 4:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 62140    that great speech should be lectured all over the world. Like this one school I went to (Hilbert) everybody disrespected everybody. Even teachers. I couldn't take it so i went to a different school. There are some respect but at least it's better than no respect at all.  
Date: 7/27/2003 4:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 35720    This is a very good post, Ashezz.. Thanks, I really liked reading it.  
Date: 7/27/2003 5:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 48858    Sometimes, maturity doesn't even come with age. It all depends on the individual person.  
Date: 7/27/2003 5:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 24732    A lot of times kids complain that people don't "accept" the way the dress nowdays. But think if you had lived in the colonial times, if you dressed "different" or "strange" you would probably be shunned out of town or hurt (possibly killed in some places) because they thought you were a witch. Decades before you were alive "different" people were made fun of, it anything today people are more accepting then they used to be. At least now when you carry a cell phone everyone doesn't think you're a drug dealer.  
Date: 7/27/2003 7:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 998    This is such an important message, and one that hopefully will get through anyone who is biased in any way. I especially think the one small phrase is extremely valuable .... "Hey! I matter to someone!".   
Date: 7/27/2003 8:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 49101    Wow, Great Post! I will have to keep some of these things in mind!  
Date: 7/27/2003 9:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 1799    *aplaud* thats my lil sis.   
Date: 7/27/2003 9:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 50193    Love it! Bookmarked!  
Date: 7/27/2003 10:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 20750    Great post! Awesome points!  
Date: 7/27/2003 10:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 38683    This is a great post Ashezz! It has an awesome message in it and I know how you feel about the dressing in black/dark clothes problem. But I still just dress the way that I feel like because it is me and that is something that matters to me...... Being myself. *hugs* Always,  
Date: 7/28/2003 12:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 58268    i wish some of my friends could see this...i wore all black for a day and they thought i was gothic lol....people just dont take time to get to know people...lol  
Date: 7/28/2003 5:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 51285    AMEN TO THAT! Right on, ashezz. Love and Hugs, GG  
Date: 7/28/2003 7:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 22992    Very strong speech indeed. I think more and more people need to read whats up. I think everyone can learn something by reading tjis. Ill have to whip out the old bookmark button   
Date: 7/28/2003 7:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 36901    This is a wonderful post! Do you mind if I print it? There are a few people that I'd like to have read it that don't have computers.  
Date: 7/28/2003 8:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 49025    Great post. I have always tried to live by "treat others as you want to be treated". Thanks for sharing this! I'm going to bookmark it.  
Date: 7/28/2003 8:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 60018    Ashezz! I'm so glad you desided to post this on USM   
Date: 7/28/2003 8:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 36754    Thank you
Date: 7/28/2003 8:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 56840    Awesome post. What more could be said? *bookmark*  
Date: 7/28/2003 9:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 8184    GREAT post Ashezz! I'm definitely going to bookmark this. Thanks!   
Date: 7/28/2003 10:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 943    Wow...I haven't heard something so REAL in a very long time. I am almost speechless. Very, very good post. I'm thinking it should stay on top for a while..........  
Date: 7/28/2003 10:39:00 AM  From Authorid: 58611    This was absolutely wonderful! I see too many people passing judgement on others for not thinking/speaking/or acting the way they think they should! Thank you for posting this! It is something we ALL should remember before we speak!  
Date: 7/28/2003 10:41:00 AM  From Authorid: 58078    *Clap Clap* This is excellent.  
Date: 7/28/2003 12:38:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 5349    Yeah you guys should print it, I encourage the spreading of it. It's a very important point and needs to be heard by all, I hope it can save someone's something in some way. Thanks for reading and appreciating it, guys!  
Date: 7/28/2003 12:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 62275    I wholeheartedly believe everything you have said. Especially about being who you are not matter what the cost. It took me most of my life to come to those terms myself. I spent most of my elementary and high school life trying to fit in with the "Beautiful People". I had a glimpse at the inside of that, and thought "This is what I fought so hard to achieve." Come to find out, the "beautiful people" were so ugly on the side that it made me squirm. Their idea of a fulfilling day was finding people that were already torn to shreads, and just tear them down even more. At any rate, I learned to be me. I then became PROUD to be one of the ones who weren't classified as one of the "Beautiful People", and love myself today because of it. Another thing.....you tell us to be happy with who we are... then why are you going to let them tear you down, and choose not to go skating anymore because they choose to be jerks. I say forget them all, go have fun!!!! Don't give up soemthing you enjoy because of the "Beautiful People". Love yourself..... heavens knows that everyone here at USM does. Thanks for your post. ~*Firefly*~... (sorry so long)  
Date: 7/28/2003 12:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 22275    Ashezz you are truly an angel... I just quit colorguard to please myself on saturday. The people theyre gave me a ton of crap because i wore jeans with holes in them and kurn cobain shirts while they were wearing jean shorts and peasant tops... Yes im a black wearing depressed cutter... its truly scary, that im sure of.. to the people im around its scary and to me it is as well. But its who I am and I am not ashamed to be me. I am a genuine person i wont change to please anyone but myself. Sure it may seem that I quit guard to please the other members but in the end it was for me, I will not go where im not wanted to spare myself a headache. Plus, it wasnt a fun experience... I got the "Hey wendy come here" *point at me, laugh* It hurt, it hurt horribly, sure I may come off as poor and that may be so, but it gives me my essential carenaness. Thats why I am glad to say I have people who do accept me for being me and those are my angels... You are one of them. I give you my love and acceptance. Never be ashamed to be yourself!  
Date: 7/28/2003 12:56:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 5349    Rock on, you guys, Pika, all of you that hear and feel what I'm saying, and all of you that just plain support me, rock on! \m/\m/  
Date: 7/28/2003 1:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 57079    That is a beyond wonderful speech!!! I'm so glad I took the time to read it and you took the time to write it!! Thank you so much everyone definatly needs to hear this espicially the people in my school!! But thank you again for the post!! <3 always, 4 ever insane  
Date: 7/28/2003 2:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 56293    Great Post Ashezz!! Very well said. Sometimes people forget people have feelings. This is a story I'm definately going to bookmark!!   
Date: 7/28/2003 5:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 10110    This is a very good post, haven't seen any in a long time. I'm book marking this! Thanks for posting.  
Date: 7/28/2003 11:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 62100    Excellent post..I'm bookmarking this!!  

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