Hey Kat...me again! :D Ok so here is the situation. Since I was 16 I have been friends with this guy Josh. The two of us were really close for a while...and had a bit of a romance. It was a pseudo relationship.(Which never had any closure) Anyay so about two years ago something bad happened to me and Josh was not a friend to me at all. He did not know how to handle it and I felt like he didn't even want to try. Since then I have pretty much written him off. Or at least tried to. There was a period where I felt like I wanted to try to be friends again...but it seemed like the only time he would call me was when his girlfriend was out of town (convenient huh). So basically I tried to avoid him. About two months ago he called me drunk, which was a slap in the face because he had flaked on calling me back two months prior and now he called me drunk. Anyway in that conversation he basically asked if he had any chance with me and I said no. Then I said call me when you are sober. I was under the impression after this phone call we could finally just hang out as friends. Well he did call me (twice) and when I called him back I made plans to see him the next day (keep in mind we had not even seen eachother for over a year) well he flaked on the plans. When I called him he had the nerve to say you should have called me earlier today to remind me! AAAA. He said that he would call me within the next couple days to go out. He never did. Honestly I am fine with this. I am ready to completly write him off, only I know he is going to call me randomly again. If not next week, then next month, or next year....and I am really starting to dislike him greatly. Anyway help help help. What do you see, and how can i finally end this? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 46176 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .