Hello everyone! Me and my mother were having a discussion about this earlier, so I thought I would post this to see what you all thought of this.
For those of you that are old enough to remember (or are young Beatle fans like myself), have probably heard about the rumor that went around in the mid and late 60's: Paul McCartney was dead. Over the years, there have been many different versions of the story. The original story was:
Late one Tuesday night, while recording in the studio with either John Lennon or George Harrison (it was never told which one), Paul McCartney got into an argument with either John or George. To vent his frustration, he took a drive. At five o'clock in the morning (Wednsday obviously) Paul wasn't paying attention to the raod (most say it was because he was looking at a girl walking down the street *as in the song "Lovely Rita Meter Maid"* and/or that he hadn't noticed that the lights had changed *as in the song "A Day in the Life"*). The accident was so bad, that they could hardly identify the body. Once the other Beatles found out that it was was Paul, they held a look alike contest. A man named William Camble won, and is still posing as Paul to this day.
Many "clues" to Pauls death can be found on the albums Rubber Soul, Abbey Road, and Magical Mystery Tour. However, probably the most clues can be found on "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (the suposed time era of his death).
Now, I want to know wether to think this is true or not. I myself don't believe it. With over 200 songs and 20 albums, you can almost link The Fab Four to anything if you do enough research. But, what do you think?
Love, Lucy Ricardo You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 39370 ( Click here )
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