The forest leaned in on them. Every gallop of Lilith's horse, Shadow, was a step closer to being smacked in the face by the branch of a tree. It was dense, and dark. The only noise audible was pounding of hooves and the beating of hearts. As they traveled on the woods only got deeper and darker, until Lilith and Jason were rendering blind trust in Shadow, praying he would not lead them astray.
After a while of narrowly avoiding injury Shadow stopped dead in his tracks. They'd arrived...
The willow was huge, about 7 feet wide at the base. It was black and sickly grey, with withered leaves that seemed like an afterthought. There was a clearing around it, as if the other trees twisted away, in fear, trying to escape the willow. And those that weren't seemed corrupted and dead.
Jason helped Lilith dismount. As she stepped down, her foot landed on a twig- it snapped: sending an echo throughout the entire forest.
"This is it," she whispered fearfully. "Just as I remember it."
They drew closer. Each breath was bated with anxiety. Lilith raised her smooth pale hand and placed it over the Crest. The willow seemed to cringe and squirm at her touch. The wind sighed, branches bowed and Shadow let out a frightfully loud nay.
"The Willo family crest." She stated. Fascinated, Lilith moved closer for a better look. Jason's eyes wandered to the highest limbs of the great giant. He stepped back. One of the branches was moving, slowly, but moving. It's wasn't bending in the wind or by the weight of an owl, it was sweeping down upon its own accord. Jason grabbed Lilith and pulled her back. She screeched as she watched the arm of the tree bolt across the space she had just been standing in. The tree then groaned and returned to 'normal.'
"I don't believe I'm saying this but...I think the tree SAW you. Or felt you. Either way it knew you'd touched it and-ugh. This is insane. Trees do not have conscious thought."
Lilly frowned. "You saw for yourself! It just tried to beat me down! Could have knocked my head off if you hadn't move me."
Jason grinned breathlessly, his eyes fixed on the willow. "Is that a thank you?"
"I-yes...Now. We're here but we aren't any closer to figuring this all out." She exhaled and patted the very nervous Shadow.
Behind them another twig snapped, sending the same ear piercing echo as the one before. Marshall gasped and booted his horse, urging it to turn around and run-fast.
"Who was that?" Jason asked.
Lilith fixed Shadow's saddle. "It doesn't matter. He saw us. We must go back!" Her tone was critical and serious. She quickly mounted and waited upon Jason, whose eyes lingered on the beastly tree a moment longer. "Come!" She pressed.
Together they rode off into the dense forest again. And the great Willow watched them leave...
-Back at Jason's House-
Lilith stayed on her horse as Jason got off. He expected her to ride away immediately but instead she held back for a minute's sake.
"Thank you." He said.
She smiled softly and leaned down. Jason held his breath as their lips touched for an instant. But faster than he would have liked: the moment ended and Lilith prodded Shadow with her heals. The two sped off as one down the dusty bleak road.
-The Following Morning-
Jason awoke to the sound of commotion down the street. He yawned and scratched his head while making his way over to his small filthy window. The Dr. couldn't quite tell what was going on, so rather than staying in the dark about it, he dressed and cleaned up with some water Lilith had provided him with.
He took long strides down Main Street, until he reached a small angry mob. They were gathered around the mail carrier, screaming and threatening to tip his horse over. The man looked more irritated than frightened as he galloped away in the opposite direction.
Jason asked the man next to him what all the fuss was about but he simply pointed his nose in the air, huffed and turned away. Sullivan rolled his eyes and tried to get a better understanding of the panic.
"No one has respect---towns-------us! Bloody gov-------three murders!-------protection-----No respect what so ever!" Was all Jason could understand from the mumbling people around him.
Soon the Mayor exited his house, still clad in undergarments and raised his hands. "People, people...calm! Please. It has come to my attention that a freighter ship carried mail has been..." he searched for the word, "commandeered by an assortment of criminals."
"Pirates!" Cried one hysterical man in the crowd.
"Quite frankly, yes. Also, three murders have taken place from the harbor and along the road leading to our beloved town." People gasped as if they didn't already know. "The mail carrier has assured me that while no letters will get through, imported goods will be arriving soon. He also carried a note from the Chief of Police of New York City himself, stating that the situation, while regrettably compromised, should not turn us to panic. Two officers will be deployed to watch over our town by the end of the month-"
"By then we could all be dead!" Screamed a mother.
"Yes! You said it yourself, the killings lead straight to Willow Crest!"
The Mayor grumbled and fixed his collar. "Worry not! We will post three men around the village after nightfall. One in the watchtower, one at the mouth of the road, and the other blocking the path into the woods. No one will come or leave without them knowing. We are safe here. I beg you, do not worry."
Jason furrowed his brow and started to push back through the crowd until he was free. They remained cluttered together, demanding questions from the Mayor. To Sullivan's surprise, he came face to face with Lilith.
"No more midnight rendezvous for us," she joked. Though her voice was lighthearted her face deceived her. Lilly's eyes brimmed with tears. "These murders...what do you think it means?"
Dr. Sullivan embraced the sobbing girl. She'd always seemed to strong and fearless. Why now did she break down? Then Jason remembered her words. Lilith had warned him about bad things following him to Willow Crest. Could this be what she meant? Whether it was or was not, the boy never had the chance to ask. A very angry Mr. Brice stood right behind them...
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