The home-made sundial in Ben's room said 12:37. "Come on, come on. Where are they. It's been months. Why don't they respond?" he thought. A knock came at his door. He ran through his hallways to his front door. He opened it anxiously, but he only saw the messanger. "Sorry, sir," he said,"no response. I tried everything. Pigeons, letters, yelling, even breaking and entering. But I can't find anything." "It's ok," Ben told him in a comforting voice,"don't worry about it anymore. I'll take matters into my own hands."
Ryan lifted his pounding head off the carpet. He looked at his watch, his old mechanical watch. He squinted and starred to make out the time, and date. Then he shot up as quick as a bullet. "April 15th! 2004! JEEEEEEEEN!!!! JEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNN!!!!" "What?" Jen asked in a quiet aching tone, holding her forehead. "It's April 15! We've been unconcious. Oh God, Paul, Jim, Pat, Gary, and all those guests. Where are they?!" "Here," said a voice,"I'm here." It was Paul, and beside was Jim. "What happened?" Jim asked. Ryan gazed into the abyss towards them for a long while. He eventually shook his head saying,"I don't know. And I don't want to."
He looked about the room, the balcony was at the same level as the living room. The TV was cracked, laying on the floor. The lights had been replaced by torches and candles and lanterns. their windows were crudely cut holes in the wall. Their doors had no knobs and no glass or locks. their tables and chairs were wooden and simple, not to mention uncomfortable. Their house was made mostly of cool gray stone now. Their cars whithered to dust. Ryan looked towards the east and pondered.
Just then, piece of a 2 x 4 came hurling through their windowish thing. A note was attached. It read.... "Come to the house of Ben Jarins. There you will find lodgings, food, water, a familiar face, and most of all, answers. Arrive tomorrow at noon. Be precise, I'll be waiting."
Ryan walked to Jen and starred into her eyes. "Read this." He said. "What. No Ryan. It's now safe. We don't know what happened or what's out there now. We couldn't make it to Ben's with no food or water. I don't want to do this." She said. "Me neither, but we don;t have much choice." You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 43592 ( Click here )
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