Ok, I posted something like this a while ago, and I just wanna first say that PLEASE don't delete this! The last one apparently didn't fit the USM regulations or something..but anywayz.
This is my USM family so far. Instead of confirming everyone on here by going to all there profiles, I am just gonna write what I have here. You can either ask to be added, confirm your status (you don't have to), or change your status(either by changing your position or not being in my family at all.) OK, thanks!
MOM: IcuNurse (19586).
SISTERS: My Twin: Dizzy Jay (38683), Princess Amy (28125), Willow Crystal Wind (50791), Emi (1799), Barbie (42522), KornGurl-Amanda (28190), TinkerBell475 (What is her ID??), SportiAngel (54968), DesiA (56042), Honey Soul (56369) and my big sis, Lady Heppa (31707), Badgirl169 (58454), Pink bunny (29532) is my outcasted psycho sister who eats pudding and pickle parts…
BROTHERS: Badman (49819), SkAtEBoarD_Freak (62037), Morphix (55251), and Leppy (43586), Caveman (56630), my big bro, Mike (13886), Lighthouse (15904), AbNoRmAlboi (57028)
GAY BROTHERS: AbNoRmAlboi (57028) <He wanted the Category!>
AUNTIES: Savanah Rose (29928), Crooked Halo (49976) is my crazy aunt who has 16 cats and lives in a Tent beside the lake.
COUSINS: Scooby Doo Gurl (43015), and SDA (53311).
NEIGHBORS: Shadow Soul Angel (51247) is the Hot Guy Next Door, xOmb13 (53129) is the Disturbed Kid Next Door, PRTP (53548) is the guy down the street that no one talks to,
PETS: Vampyre Gerbil (50193) is my pet gerbil.
Psyguy (59953) is…actually, I don’t know what he is! LOL.
**I need a dad, and I don't have a USM boyfriend...**
Alrighty, thank you!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .